5 | the noise becomes anger and the anger is light

Start from the beginning

And now she was.

And Lloyd didn't know what to feel about it.

She had aged some. As had he. There was more maturity in her features but they were still youthful, reminding him of how quick her life had been taken. Or how quick he thought her life had been taken.

Harumi was paler. She had already had a fair skin tone but now it was almost translucent. Her hair seemed almost whiter. Standing out on the pale blue sheets. She was a living ghost. A person from the past brought into the future. It made a deep dread crawl under his skin, him feel itchy and unnerved. Nothing goes well when the past comes back to haunt you.

"Mr. Garmadon?" It took Lloyd a moment to realize Adam was talking to him. The nurse's eyes were patient but concerned as he held a hovering hand over his shoulder. "I'm going to need you to breath."

Oh right. I forgot that was a thing I needed to do. Lloyd thought distantly as he slowly forced his lungs to expand and then let the air out. He did it a few more times until he felt the ache in his chest leave.

"How-" Lloyd cleared his throat as it cracked. "How is she alive?" How long had she been out there without him knowing? How long has she been haunting him since the moment that building fell? How many times had he run over every possible way he could've done something different? How was it that just as soon as he was pulling his pieces together that she could smash them on the floor all over again.

"We're not completely sure." Dr. Williams said honestly. "All of the medicinal items they had brought from the site where she was found are herbs, poultices, honey. Home remedies. Nothing strong or innovative enough to keep someone of her condition stable for so long, much less bring her back from the dead."

Lloyd closed his eyes. A migraine was starting to form between his eyes. Lloyd never used to get headaches. But lately the most relief he can get from them was a dull throb.

"But- I thought she was dead! As in dead dead! Did you not find a body when you cleared the damaged building? Didn't you give her a burial?" Lloyd spun on Officer Morton, his voice hardening as he talked.

The officer stared back unflinchingly. "People like her would've been placed in the Cryptarium's cemetery. The damages from Garmadon's attack are still being fixed, Green Ninja. We hadn't had the time to search the rubble too deeply. The city has been focusing on the main buildings. The one that Harumi died in has not been one of the main priorities. The Villain Disaster Search and Rescue Team had combed through the rubble for survivors but we've had no reports of her body that I know of."

"What about whoever has been keeping her alive?" Lloyd's mind was buzzing with questions. Who had found her?

"No reports yet. The building is under surveillance. The Supernatural Investigation sector hadn't meant to find Harumi. They had just been getting small readings of what seemed like elemental activity. It was only supposed to be a scouting mission until they came across her." He jerked his thumb towards the unconscious girl. The machinery attached to her beeped back.

Lloyd narrowed his eyes. "Supernatural Investigation? You never had that before."

"It's new. We want to be more prepared for attacks. Part of that is controlling the source when it starts to become a concern." Morton replied pointedly, his lips pressed together in a thin line. He seemed to think of himself above Lloyd. Though he was older he didn't have any more experience than Lloyd did dealing with the dangers of ninjago. Lloyd was going to make sure he knew it.

Quiet | Harumi Fanfic (EXAMS AND THEN ILL UPDATE) Where stories live. Discover now