(33) Field of Champions

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(Part 1)

That same afternoon.


Try as she might, Leia found it nigh impossible to ignore the feeling of haziness around her. She felt warm, but was as yet uncertain whether this was from the onset of fever-for the princess was painfully aware of the throbbing sensation in her head-or simply delayed excitement from the previous encounter.

"Dozed off 'nough, 'aven't 'cha, Pighead?" an awfully-familiar voice followed soon after. "Welcome back."

"Wait, what- Why am I in your chambers, Zal? And... ow, my head... How long was I out?"

Lei's fiery counterpart was looking out of the window, one hand at her hip.

"Nearest place I coulda thought of, for the first," came the reply. "Damn-lucky, ya were, know that? As for, how long... 'Bout three hours now."

Realization struck Lei then, such that she came very close to kicking away her sibling's thick cotton blanket. "What of Razin? Did... Did he get to Akhi at last?!"

"Easy there, lass; scum's little more n' a cadaver now, down and gone. Akhi insisted he should be at the funeral, who am I to say no? All done now, I s'pose; finally, eh?"

"Then... what're you going to do now?"

"Can't say anything too precise right 'bout now. Das has yet to learn of that 'offing', still busy gettin' together a dragon-ey painting as he is for this northern nymphet. Hope she wouldn't end up mockin' him for it, or-" Zal punched her other palm, "-so help me. Outta my bed, now."

Lei obliged, moving to sit on one of the simpler chairs in that room. Her head still felt wobbly, but this princess in particular had found it ill-advised to 'look weak' before Azalea; her only outward sign of lingering fatigue, thus, was a grunt as she sat down. "What of your lady mother?"

"Hah! Regarded herself as avenged, quite. Never seen 'er half so 'appy. We may 'ave to leave, though; where n' how soon, freak if I know."

That did surprise Mu's true sister. "Leave? But- you helped save us!"

Zal shrugged. "Not just me we're talkin' 'bout; Mom too, and Das. Stay, and those country smartasses would soon blab on how fairness's got no more teeth 'ere. That what ya wish?"

"Well... no, but I'd be lying if I said you would not be missed."

"Damn it, now I really feel bad 'bout ruinin' yer favorite doublet n' boots weeks prior." Mira's only daughter approached her counterpart, clapping her on the shoulders. "Forgive me, 'kay?"

Lei shook her head. "I was being damnably selfish."

"That said... fret not, Big Sis. Our departure's prolly not gonna come to pass before that Dragoness lass shall be gettin' the fill o' flashin' off her northern butt. Now, momma Vessy and sweet bro Ras might just be gettin' worried 'bout ya, no? Oh, where is our dear, sweet dove of a Pighead~"

That got Lei giggling. "Shut up, you're making me blush..."

Azalea smiled in her turn, reveling at how far she had risen in just under one year: from a bratty shop-wrecker to be a bratty voice of reason-and still be loved for it.

She would most probably miss this sight too.

Three knocks occurred on her door just then.

"Princess Azalea? Pardons, but Prince Mustafa is here and wishes to see you..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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