(21) Crossroads

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(Part 1)

Azalea, inclined to 'proper manners' as she already was, was nevertheless stung into fury when she came to learn of the 'sevenfold blasted scorpion''s latest attempt--and the first one on her true brother at that!

"That miserable vermin..." she seethed before her mother, brandishing her fist for lack of better words, "...MUST be put in its proper place, Mom, and soon! No use gatherin' allies, if ya ain't got no plans on puttin' them into play; and I tell ya, that moment is now! Before he should aim for more sensitive targets!"

"'Sensitive', is that it?" Mirani repeated, blinking. "Didn't expect such a high-soundin' word coming from you, lass-"

"Ya GET what I mean, though, don't ya?!" Indignant tears were now welling in the girl's eyes, a match for the heated tone. "Dastra was... he was my refuge of sorts when ya had been far worse than now. If anything foul should befall him, I won't--repeat, will NOT--let anyone responsible get off that easily! Anyone!

"That assassin's only gotten to touch one of Vessy's get this time 'round, granted... we should be thankful Ras got away with his life, I know that much..." Azalea was practically weeping now, "else I'd have Akhi to contend with--and that I don't wanna indulge in if I can help it! Eight more days 'fore he should come back, darn it!

"But in the meantime, Mom..." she went on, sniffling even as she held on to both of her mother's hands while bending her own knees, "I know you've the authority and resources to put an end to this royal menace for good; I know I've never pleaded with you ever since ya've seen fit to fling Eara down to those mongrels outta spite... but please, please wrap this up for me, yer only daughter! For our continued safety! For all of us! This is yer homeland, told Ilyas that much; prove it! Rid it of any and all turncloaks standin' on its path of well-deserved prosperity... heck, for everything that Yasnar had endeavored, if ya will!"

Mira's expression hardened at the mention of this name. "Don't ya dare bring that traitor into this!"

"Heck if I care! I had and I would again, even if you should go crazy over that! Yasnar had never attempted to do anyone in for all the spite ya've seen fit to fling in his way, far as I'm concerned; well, Razin had, and just now yer own son had been involved. I don't know what tricks ya pulled to calm Das, but now it's me ya're working with, and I want that scum dead now!"

Mirani rose from her seat and the sound of a fierce slap rang out.

"You're forgettin' your place there, darling," Mama Viper observed in the ensuing silence. "Get this: ya're a princess, not a slave-master. What have you been doing in this kinda game so far beyond urging others on with such beautifully-penetrating words, hmm? Have you any idea how time-consuming it could've been to have someone believe in yer cause enough to actually put their life on the line for that? Heck, even then they could turn traitor, as ya've seen Razin do--and that kinda setback will require yet another set of attempts to correct; attempts, by the way, which I have been doing... but which you chose not to pay closer attention to, most of the time! You want that filth removed, yes, I hear ya; and yes, he will be, but not by your sole word of command, ya snotty brat. Keep that darn-well in mind for next time, alright?"

Zalea, in a fine mix of sullen rage and shame, kept her own mouth shut.

"For now," Mirani continued, a tad more gently, "just do what you think you can, Zal. Rather than keep bugging me to finish a game ya've never even had a hand in playing, go to your brother, the sooner the better--Rashid or Dastra makes no matter. See how they're doing. Butter up their resolve, o ye who presume to have loads of it. Have them that much readier for the next attack, should it come; Lei might be of the same mind, and in that case, work with her. For my part, I may have to ready myself to contend with a far-from-pleased Vestra. Good?"

Internal V.1: Child of Discord (Internal, third draft)Where stories live. Discover now