"I don't know. I was scared I didn't really know how to tell you I was leaving and not coming back for a while."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.'' She apologized and tried to get Kash to look at her.

"Yea ok." Kash said and got up.

"Where you going?'

"I just need to think." She wasn't even upset she was leaving cause she knew it was happening eventually. She was pissed she was just now telling her and sad she was losing her first friend in years.

Kash didn't return to the room that night and when they left the next day Kina prayed she would get a call from her. Saturday consisted of shopping and a nice dinner to say goodbye. She was set to leave early-morning and honestly she was sad to go. She texted and called Kash the whole day but the girl didn't answer.

"I might've messed up." Kiana said to Dee.

"What happened?'

"I told Kash I was leaving and she hasn't texted or called me back"

"I'm sure she will. She's most likely just a lil upset right now"

"I hope ur right.'' She sighed and continued her late night into the early morning.

She eventually went to sleep and woke up hours later to go to the airport. She had said goodbye to everyone and she and Desmond left. She checked her phone again to see if Kash called. She hadn't just Rose who texted saying to call her when she landed.

"Hey." Her father said wanting her attention.


"Umm I just wanted to say thank you."

"For what?" she asked, confused.

"Giving me a chance. I know you didn't have too."

"You don't have to thank me. I enjoyed my time here. I'm glad to have met this family. In all reality we should be thankin my mom for forcing me to come." she said slightly laughing.

"Well I'll be sure to send her my thanks."

"I'll try to convince Daeshawn to give you a chance too." She said cause she knew her father was still pained about that broken relationship.

"Thank you." He said and there was a call for them to board. "I guess you should probably get going. I'll see you for graduation." she nodded and gave him one last hug.

She got on the plane, got seated, texted her people to say she was about to set off and gave Kash one last call to which she didn't answer. Kiana sighed and put her phone on airplane mode.

Kiana had landed in Louisiana. She stepped off the plane and took a deep breath. "God it's so good to be back." She said aloud

She took her phone to call her mom and she told Kiana to meet her downstairs. Once she gets down there she walks for a bit but eventually sees her brother and mother.


"Sis!." They hugged for a while before her mom clears her throat wanting a hug from her daughter.

"Hey mama." she said and gave her a big hug.

"Lets get home." Her brother said and led them out.

When she got home she had a whole surprise party waiting for her. She got to see her cousins, aunties, uncles, and grandparents. As much as she was sad to leave Arizona she was ecstatic about being home and wit her peoples.

After the party died down she went to her bedroom and laid down checking her phone to see if Kash called or texted her. She didn't get a reply. She texted Rose and her dad that she was home and tried calling Kash once again and texting when she didn't get a reply she eventually went to sleep.

Maybe cause it was Friday the 13th??

Sorry this took so long I'm just busy asf for no reason

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