Chapter 47: Remember Me

Start from the beginning

You ended up repeating the words of your confession to him as you pulled him into a hug for the first time since the day you woke up, feeling so happy and excited in that moment. You finally remembered something that was more than a name, a place, or a face, and it was great with you heading off to the party in an amazing mood. That was until you got there as it was much bigger and more packed than you imagined, with you stuck in between feeling like a princess and an imposter and while flip-flopping through such a mental rollercoaster, you felt incredibly overwhelmed as everyone there seemed to be at least a foot taller than you. Loki ended up taking you out several times during the evening every time you appeared the littlest bit over-stimulated, guiding you to a side room nearby so you could calm down and recover while listening to rain sounds and soft slow music with your headphones. You also didn't end up eating or drinking much, insisting you weren't that hungry but in truth, you didn't want to spill anything on your dress as if was a gift, feeling even more uneasy than before. You didn't like being shown off like a trophy and although Loki mostly kept you to himself, away from the others, even still, some memories of being at events with your mother and what she either said or did to you afterwards came rushing back.  

You ended up escaping halfway through the event, floating back to your room as quickly as possible so that you could deal with your stress alone but in your haste, you got lost. You also didn't tell anyone where you were going, or where you were trying to go, ending up in the garden where Pharaoh soon joined you, as your wolf had seen you leave as he was watching the party. Pharaoh ended up giving you a lift, taking you on a little stroll around the garden but it was dark and you weren't sure what to do when your wolf suggested you make some of those little glowy things with wings. You thought about it for a moment, "glowy things with wings..?" you whisper to yourself and a memory came back, the first time you ever managed to summon one, you ran off to show your mom but at the same time, she was watching the news, complaining and ridiculing all of the heroes with powers, saying how they were freaks of nature. A tear dripped down your face as you stared up at the night, wishing you didn't remember that as you held a butterfly in your hands, wondering why your mother hated people like you so much. You felt something else, closing your eyes, focusing for a moment before summoning all the butterflies you could, with them flying out in all directions making you feel all warm and fuzzy.  

You ended up laying with Pharaoh underneath an old willow tree as you continued to release butterfly after butterfly and soon there were enough to fill the entire garden, which was quite a feat considering the size. Eventually though, your quiet time was interrupted when Loki showed up, out of breath and extremely pissed and panicked that you disappeared without saying anything and you apologized. "I'm sorry, I just... I needed to be alone..." you whispered, pulling your knees closer as you continued to stare at the ground, still feeling terrible from the party and the memories of your mother. Loki sat with you, hesitating as he leaned up against Pharaoh, waiting for you to respond; tell him that you wanted to go back to the party or to bed, or even perhaps if you wanted to stay out here for a bit longer, he didn't care which. Then seemingly out of the blue, you spoke up, asking "Loki, how did we meet? Could you tell me again, I'd like to try and remember", this caught him a little off guard, but after getting your permission, he pulled you close and recalled the worst-best day of his life. The God of Mischief told you before how you met each other but you couldn't remember and you hoped with a bunch of stuff coming just now, perhaps if he explained it again, you would.

Before long you had fallen asleep due to you using so much energy creating an army of white butterflies but Loki didn't mind, in fact, he rather enjoyed you sleeping on him the way you used to. It was a long time before the God of Mischief got up and carried you to bed, using magic to simply pop you into some pyjamas he had grabbed, basically doing a swap-spell; one second he was holding the pj's and you were in your ball gown, the next second you were in a cute little nighty and Loki was holding your fancy Elven dress. Loki then manually took off all of your jewellery, putting them away before crawling in bed with you, holding you in his arms as he planned to sleep here with you tonight. It was probably a good thing that he stayed, considering not too long later, you suddenly shot up, waking up from a nightmare and although you were more than a little surprised to find Loki next to you in bed, you were relieved. You very much wanted to cling to him but you didn't want to wake him up as you had already overheard from a few of the maids how Loki stayed with you all the time while you were unconscious. But luckily, the God of Mischief woke up too and seeing your teary-eyed face he reached out, pulling you into his arms, asking you what was wrong, listening to what you had to say before telling you that everything was going to be alright. The nightmares continued on for a while and Loki ended up staying with you every night, comforting you anytime you woke up, with you apologizing every time for disturbing him before thanking him for taking care of you.

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