As well as Atlas's.

I noticed this morning that she's awfully skinny at the moment. She'd gained weight when Atlas was developing, and then lost it pretty quickly when he was born, but she's gotten skinnier since.

It's not her fault but Jasper is right. She needs to eat more.

"E, can you hand me a bottle please? Atlas is fussing."

I snapped out of my thoughts and passed her the bottle of milk from the nightstand. She paced the room softly, bringing the bottle to his lips.

Atlas is a fussy baby, but he's quick to calm down usually.

A knock sounded on the door and Kyra walked over to it, turning the handle and pulling it open.

"Can I come in?"

She nodded and I watched as Elliot walked through the door, closing it behind him and leaning against it naturally.

"What's up?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing really, just wondering how you three were going. We haven't really gotten to know each other."

I nodded and gestured over to the desk chair on the corner, which he walked over to and brought back in front of us to sit on.

"Is Atlas settling in alright?" He watched Ky and the crying baby pace lightly.

"Yeah, he's getting there. Ky's got her hands full like usual though." I admitted gingerly.

"She's really good with him. She'd be a good mother. Was it always like this?" He questioned politely, as we both watch her calm down Atlas successfully.

"Yeah. The minute he was born, he was straight into her arms. She pretty much is his Mom."

A moment of silence passes between us before Elliot opened his mouth again, "Can he say anything yet?"

"Nah, not yet, we're waiting for him to, though."

"Do you guys have any plans for him?"

I let out a short sigh, "Ky wants him to have as normal of a life as possible, but I think it's already been screwed up. There isn't much we can do really. I suggested we homeschool him when he's older so I think that's the plan."

Elliot nodded, agreeing with me. "Yeah, he deserves better than Irene and whoever his father is that's for sure. I'm glad he's got you two. Were you both in school?"

"We've homeschooled ourselves the last couple of years, after Atlas was born, we couldn't leave him alone at the apartment so we taught ourselves the curriculum. Technically, we've graduated high school." I confessed.

Elliot's brow furrowed, "You said last couple of years, but Atlas is ten months old? Were you homeschooling yourselves before he was born?"

I realised my slip up and widened my eyes involuntarily, "Oh, yeah we...Irene was pregnant and she was barely looking after herself too so we stayed home to help. That's why Atlas is pretty healthy," I lied through my teeth.

We were home because Genevieve was pregnant, not Irene. The baby is healthy because Genevieve was trying her best to look after herself, not Irene.

"Oh right."

We continued to watch as Genevieve pulled away the bottle from Atlas's mouth and he picked up his crying and fussing again.

Elliot smiled proudly as she brought the baby's face to her own and kissed his forehead and both cheeks, making him stop crying to look at her.

Atlas let out a giggle, a cough, and another giggle, looking happily at her.

"That's right my pretty boy, Mama's got you." She cooed to the now joyous baby.

He reached out a small hand and wrapped his fist around her shirt tightly. Atlas's hold moves to her collar as he pulled on the shirt.

Genevieve turned to me, knowing what Atlas wanted, but Elliot was in the room.

"He won't mind Ky, just do what you usually do," I encouraged her, Elliot was looking at her in adoration if anything.

She turned back around and placed Atlas gently in his crib for a moment, having to pry his hands off her shirt. He screwed his face up and started to whine as she let go of him.

Genevieve took the hem of her black fitted shirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her in a black and white triangle bra.

I glanced at Elliot to see him face away from her, before taking a curious look as to what she was doing, in the most polite way possible.

His cheeks heated up a little before I assured him it's fine, "She does it pretty often, you're okay to look at her, she doesn't mind."

He relaxed and faced back towards her, watching as she picked reached over into the crib to undress Atlas. After leaving him in just a diaper and socks, she picked him up mid-cry and he immediately stopped his whining when she placed his bare body onto her mostly bare chest.

Ever since he was born, it's been the quickest way to calm him down. Though, since moving here, he's been more fussy due to Ky not being able to help him like that with all our new brothers and our father around.

Elliot slowly stood from the desk chair, before curiously walking over to Ky and Atlas.

When he reached them, he held out a single hand, running one finger over the back of the baby's head very gently.

He looked at Genevieve as she watched him too.

She'll be okay as long as he doesn't touch her back.

He ran the same finger over the side of Ky's face, looking at her proudly.

"You're an amazing person, G. Anyone ever told you that?"

She smiled, his heartfelt words touching her.

Atlas cooed and tucked his chubby arms under his body on her chest.

He's growing so much every day.

Both her and Elliot watched the sleepy baby in her arms closely.

"I love you three so much. I'm so happy you're all home and safe now."

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