chapter six

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'golden child, lion boy; tell me what it's like to conquer.
fearless child, broken boy; tell me what it's like to burn'
- oh darling even rome fell, p.s.

easton odin

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easton odin

The rest of our day was spent exploring the places we were allowed to go into in the mansion we now live in.

Everywhere except the west wing.

I know they're not telling us everything, I don't know what they're hiding but I'm willing to find out.

Though Genevieve had a point: they're hiding something, but so are we.

If they find out the truth about Atlas, I don't know what we'll do. There's no way they'd keep us here. They think Atlas is their brother and that's how it'll stay.

They don't deserve to know the truth anyways.

Not when I was the only person who Kyra told when she found out she was pregnant.
Not when I was the only person who held her when she broke down about how it happened.
Not when I was the only person who was there when she threw up in the mornings.
Not when I was the only person who she asked to be in the maternity ward with her in the hospital.

I helped her look after Atlas, I watched her cry and sob until she threw up or was overcome with exhaustion.

I took care of him when she couldn't, and when she hated the sight of him, and herself.

I looked after her and him as he grew, and she got a hold on her violent mind.

They weren't there for the sixteen years that I was, what makes them think they can come in now and have us be one hundred percent honest with them?

That's not happening.

It's too dangerous.

She had a flashback last night. I woke up to her screaming and thrashing around.

They happen pretty often, though it used to be worse - she couldn't go a single night without having one.
Now it's more like two or three times a week.

She's getting better.


I know how to calm her down though. I've learned over the years what to do and how to help her. I run her a bath or a shower and we both hop in. She takes comfort in my presence after nightmares and flashbacks.

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