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Letting out a heavy sigh of relief she removed the mask from her face as she came out of the operation theater(OT), making her way to her cabin. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples just before plopping herself into the chair. Leaning on her chair still keeping her eyes closed, she relaxed turning on the A.C . The cool breeze made her relax a lot, it was a  long hectic day. Four major surgeries were scheduled that day followed by three appointments. It was indeed a very long day and a tight schedule.

She again sighed feeling exhausted. Opening her eyes she found it was already eight in the evening. Means her shift is over now, she can go home at last. 

"Ughhh!...At last no more surgeries, no O.Ts, no appointments." she got up from her armchair lazily, removing the white coat from her shoulder.

"Heya Charlotte" a disembodied monotonous voice came from behind along with two pairs of footsteps, turning around she found the door opened revealing two young ladies sipping through their drinks. 

"Done?" asked one of them offering a drink to her. She mouthed thanks before sipping it, she gulped down the whole drink in a few sips. The cold sensation of the iced coffee did give her tons of energy. 

"You guys are already here, then where is Areum?"  

"Oh yeah well, she is not going home today. She has the night shift tonight since she got the  surgery which Senior Hwang is supposed to have ." Eun Kyung one of the best friends of Charlotte spoke while sipping through her Lemonade. 

"Enjoying himself in the vacation with his family while she is suffering, too bad" Hei Ryung added huffing.

"Ohh I see " Charlotte sighed, making her way towards her table and sat upon it. Her cabin was not much decorated, just a few sea greens colored long, silk curtains over the windows. a slight pinkish-crimson wall and a few types of furniture. She stared at them for a few seconds before speaking.

"Then?.... Kyung and Ryung do you guys have any plans tonight?"

"No buddy...I'm missing my bed a lot these days! I'm not going anywhere tonight." Eun Kyung stated rolling her eyes, she straight went towards the armchair. Getting unsatisfied by her answer Charlotte just scoffed and shifted her gaze towards Hei Ryung asking for her answer.

"Uhh...well I'm tired as well, let's go out some other day" Ryung then messaged her right shoulder using her left hand closing her eyes, she lazily went beside Kyung and sat on the arm-chair's handle. Charlotte rolled her eyes and went to grab her bag.

"Fine! Anyways I was thinking about going to have some TTAEOKBOKKI and SUSHI but seems like no one is inte--" 'tteokbokki and sushi' grabbed both of their attentions as they widen their eyes, not letting her complete the sentence both of them jumped off the arm-chair and grabbed Charlotte's wrist.

"NOO! We were just kidding. How can we say no to you!" said Hei Ryung hugging Charlotte's shoulder dramatically. 

"Yes! Let's miss my bed some other day, I'm in, I'm in !" Eun Kyung chirped lifting her one hand in excitement. Charlotte just laughed at their reaction as both of them drag her outside.

"SARANGHAEE   Oppaaaaaa!Oppa"

"Damn! He just passed by me, OMG!"

"Aww! BORAHE , Borahe  Oppaaa!"

Just after making their way out of the hospital entrance (known as Seoul's one of the most famous hospital). They witnessed a big crowd of people gathering in front of a tall building, a few cars parked in front of the building. They looked very expensive as well. 

"What is happening there?" asked Kyung a bit loudly because of the chaos.

"Looks like something big took place there" Ryung stated while closing her ears with her hands.

"Let's see" Charlotte suggested as the remaining two also made their way towards the crowd. There were a lot of people gathered in front of them, they cannot see what was happening but they can at least say that some celebrities were spotted, not some sort of accident. After a few minutes of pushing through the crowd to have a clear view of the situation, they, at last, had a clear view of the situation...

"OH MY GOODNESS!BTS?!"Hei Ryung and Eun Kyung shouted their lungs out after witnessing such an amazing view. I mean who wouldn't be amazed right?

Here comes Charlotte who was so in admiring their faces, their visuals were way better than she could ever expect. She was surprised by the beauty of the guys in front of her. Every word in the dictionary will fall short in front of them. They were beyond the word 'PERFECTION'.  She had heard a lot about BTS but being a non-Korean girl she had never shown any interest in K-pop stuffs, but today seeing them in front, she realized how big a fool she was for not listening to her friends. She snapped back to the reality when another person pushed her to enter the crowd . She immediately shook her head and was about  to exit the crowd , that's when she noticed both of her friends have already became  a part of the crowd  , shouting and asking for their autographs and photographs. Making an annoying face she sighed and turned her heels towards the crowd and waited for her friends to come back. 

To be honest, it was just an excuse so that she could stay there a bit more to admire them.

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