"Oh, the kid had a gig tonight or something," Husk remembered.

Alastor also remembered, how the spider had gone on about it a week in advance and even went as far as inviting everyone including himself. He didn't go, of course not but it appeared no one else did either. How unfortunate.

"You think he's mad because we didn't attend?" Charlie asked the guilt for all to see.

Husk shrugged as Alastor drank. "Probably."

At the clear-cut response, Charlie slumped, "I was busy. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings."

"Now now," Alastor said with a wave as he finished his drink. "I'm sure the poor sap will have gotten over it by tomorrow. After all, he's done this before and he was back to himself then." Alastor hadn't cared much for the situation, but it would ruin his plans if the blasted princess was too damned depressed to do anything. The spider was worth more trouble than good in his book.

"I dunno Al, he seemed pretty upset this time. He was smoking again too." Her frown deepened.

"Nothing but a temper tantrum." He reasoned. "And like a child, he'll get over it I'm sure."

"I hope. Still, I'm worried."

Alastor waved a hand over his glass, refilling it. Yes, this would blow over, it always did when the spider did this. So having enough of this conversation he went back to drinking, opting to finish this one and turn in for the night.

"Maybe you could check up on him?" Alastor choked on the drink.

Husk and Charlie both looked at him with wide eyes at the small action that he quickly brushed off. "I don't see why I should be the one. Surely you will fare better since that is your job, no?" Nor did he want to.

"Angel didn't wanna talk to me. So maybe.." she paused, apprehensive to explain, "I mean, you're a guy. And he likes guys so..."

Alastor's brows knit as his smile stiffened, "I hardly think that matters." What a stupid idea.

"Please?" Charlie asked folding her hands with a large pleading smile.

Alastor's eye twitched in annoyance, if this wasn't his new game he'd long have blown the place up and be done with these childish antics. And he had no doubt in his mind 'daddy dearest' wouldn't do a damned thing about it. Since he hadn't shown his face around here even after all it's promotion. But alas, having power came with problems such as these. Especially when you attended to keep the game going. Still, It was no fun when he had to get involved.

Smile constrained, his reply came in a thick radio interference, "but of course!" If to get her off his back about it. Finishing the rest of the beverage, he stood.

She smiled, pleased. "Thank you! I'm gonna go get some work done in my office, let me know how it goes."

"Will do."

Husk waited until Charlie had left the room to ask, "you actually gonna go do it?" His brow raised.

Alastor sighed, turning to Husk. "Unfortunately it seems I'm needed; so yes. If you'll excuse me." He ignored the look the cat gave him as he walked away from the bar.

Walking down the hall, his gaze wandered along the walls. The wallpaper on this floor was new, courtesy of him of course but the other floors were still in an awful state. He wasn't going to do everything for them after all. Where was the fun in that?

But this spider, this 'Angel Dust' or so he remembered, was beginning to irritate him. Every single creature in this hotel, even the building itself was all under his thumb. Pawns in his game, he stood above them all. He could eradicate it at any time he pleased. So if a pawn was misbehaving then he only saw two options.

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