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I'm going to share the rest of the tips here one by one.

-Keep a companion or make a small group to learn English. It can be anyone close of you. For example, I improved my English with my Best Friend. We used to practice a lot during our High School.
So, ask your friends or just a close friend of yours or your brother or sister or other family members and start learning together. It's not only enjoyable but also useful. You'll hardly get bored.

-use technologies to learn. You'll find thousands of apps out there whether be it Google play store or Apple app store to learn and practice English or any Language.
Go through English learning websites, wikis, blogs by your laptop or desktop or tab or mobile, whatever devices you have.
You can also play word games to get to know more new words.

-having a teacher. Okay, for me it's the most effective one, though I am writing on this at the very last.
Firstly, I wanna thank that Best Friend of mine to offering me to study under an English teacher. Secondly, I'm really grateful that we got the opportunity to study under him. May Allah bless him. By the grace of Almighty, I always had been good in English. Then I have taken it to next level by learning English under that respectable teacher and practicing with my best friend.

You see, having someone who is explaining the language, answering your questions, pointing out your mistakes and correcting them..I don't know if there's any better help than this in learning a language.
Plus, getting a good teacher is another matter.

If you can't hire a teacher, reach out to someone who is good at the language you want to learn. Again, it can be anyone inside from your friends and family or outside maybe.
You can ask for help from your school teacher directly on break time or after school hours as well.

-practice on daily basis if you can. Keep time for practicing at least 2/3 days in a week. I remember our teacher used to taught us 3 days in a week and we used to practice by ourselves 5 days except the weekends.

Practice Grammar exercises. Whatever you're reading Read out loud or at least at the volume, you can hear yourself.
You can also speak in front of the mirror or just speak to yourself or record your speaking on your phone.

I don't know about other countries, but I do know in South Asia, students have the tendency of memorizing English writing parts and write them on the exams exactly the same often without proper understanding.
Try writing your paragraphs, essays freely without memorizing from your grammar book or explore in the internet to get to know something new. There are many ways to practice. I'm repeating, don't worry about making mistakes at the beginning.
Start to think in English as well.
Don't forget to use what you've learned in your everyday life.

So, these are the tips I've presented by researching through internet and based on my own experiences.

Keep in mind that learning techniques and methods also vary person to person.
If one method isn't working for you, don't get demotivated thinking that you're not capable of learning. Use another method or make your own method if necessary.


>>End of Chapter-1:Learning English.<<

Feel free to ask any questions or share your opinion in the comment section.
Take care, until then..😊

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