Chapter Thirteen

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you got this judas you're doing great sweetie

Chapter Thirteen

Years of shooting guns with my brothers had given me enough knowledge on how to work one. I checked the shotgun in my hands for ammunition, which, thankfully, it was loaded. Six rounds --all right, I can do with that.

I hid behind trees, quiet, listening for footsteps. This was no different than deer hunting, except, I wasn't hunting deer.

I have no plans on shooting anyone, but scaring them? That's the goal.

I hear one of the young men ask, "Where the fuck is my gun?"

"You lost your gun? What the fuck, Leon."

Another asked, "Did you leave it back at the mansion?"

"No I fucking had it." The one whose name was Leon walked out from behind a tree, and he was right in front of me. I could shoot him right here, it'd be almost impossible to miss.

I take a steadying breath, and refrain from doing so. I keep seeing them in my head, torturing Judas, and the longer the scene replays in my head the harder it is for me to keep my finger off the trigger.

Leon, began searching in the nearby bushes, pulling at them impatiently. I could tell by his erratic actions that he had issues with anger, and if he saw me hiding here with his gun, it would not end well with me.

An idea struck me. If I can't scare them away from the mansion, maybe I can defend Judas.

When his back was turned, I spun around, and run back the way I came. I didn't know exactly where the mansion was located due to the curse, but I know it wasn't any longer than fifteen minutes away.

If they're going to do what I think they're going to do, then they were going to return back to the mansion for this gun.

I just had to get there first.

I run so fast I feel as though I'm flying. The heavy rifle in my hands does little to slow me down, as I'm gliding through the forest.

I don't know how long it takes me to find the mansion again, I just know it's too long. The sun, now setting, the forest began to grow shadows, conducting an eerie feeling throughout my bones.

I will be defending Sloan in the fucking dark.

Fine. I can do this.

When I finally see the mansion, relief melts only a fraction of the tension in my body. The forest is silent around the home, and so walk up the steps of the porch, but I don't go inside.

I don't know if Judas has woken up yet, and I don't bother to check.

Part of me just can't handle seeing his body in such a horrific state again.

I walk slowly back and forth on the porch. I look over each side of the house, but there's no one. 

It is oddly quiet around the home, and I'm not sure if that's because of the curse, or simply because even the woodland creatures know to stay away from Sloan's mansion.

I don't hear voices, I don't know if they are even going to come back, but still, I sit, and I wait.

The house is dark, I feel as thought I'm guarding a giant shadow. Even the moonlight avoids the home, and I wonder what it's like to be overlooked by all of nature. To constantly be surrounded by a thick, purposeful silence, and to be part of the darkness that nobody can see.

My heart is racing, but it's no longer because of fear. I feel heartache, simply because I spent my whole life knowing Judas was here, and I mocked him, just like everyone else.

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