"Wait wait—you want her to like you so Onika says yes? Onika will say yes either way damn you kids learn nothing from romance movies." He said.

"Exactly! Back in our day we stood outside girls windows with boom boxes till they liked us." My dad said proudly and Robert nodded.

"Oh and when the sprinklers would get us wet and we had to run off their lawn?" Robert asked laughing and I watched them bond over that.

I learned two things from this conversation.

My dad probably played R&B music outside my moms window.

and that eventually Auntie Tyra will eventually- "get used" to me.

That was totally comforting.

I stood up from the table chugged my own orange juice and walked into the hallway. Onika looked up at me from the kitchen and set some plate down before walking out onto the hallway with me.

"Bey—are you okay?" She asked me and I shook my head. "Your aunt—is impossible to talk to." I said in frustration.

"Bey—she's only been here for like 2 hours. Where is she?" She was looking passed me into the dinning room. "I spilled orange juice on her and now she's probably cleaning her shirt." I said.

"Shes probably shit talking me right now—" She cut me off.

"She wouldn't do that—maybe a curse under her breathe but she wouldn't talk shit about you—especially not to James of all people." She said reaching out for me.

She placed both of her arms at my sides.

"Look I don't know what's gotten you so stressed out but maybe you should chill out—and take a breather this stress isn't good for you and we're supposed to be here—"

"As a family yeah I know that." I finished.

"Listen I know you're upset my Aunt probably made a sneaky comment—"I cut her off.

"She said exactly what I was fearing! She doesn't think I'm good enough for you—she insulted my job saying that all I do is look at plants while you save kids lives." I harshly whispered.

"Really? Bey I'm so sorry I told her to be nice—"

"Be nice? Oh this is far from it; thanks Onika for the warning for your terribly bitchy ass aunt. Totally appreciate it." I said sarcastically and angrily running my fingers through my hair. I did end up taking a breather and after I cringed.

I was stressed out and—I did exactly what I didn't want to do.

Take my anger out on her.

I looked back at her and she was looking at me. "Listen Nika—" She put her hand up.

"Listen I don't know why you're so stressed out. I know it's more than just my aunt. But no one said you had to take your anger out on me." She said and I gulped nervously looking at her.

"Ya know sometimes I wish you'd tell me what was wrong instead of avoiding the issue until you burst out! Like you are right now. We're a team right? Follow your own advice and stop bottling stuff up." She said throwing the rag at my chest.

She was mad at me.


She wasn't usually mad at me or anyone in general that wasn't her but—she's a human with feelings and I upset her—I'm stressing her out too.

"Nika—what's wrong?" Dammit here comes the woman I was just complaining about. Her aunt.

"What's wrong? Well I'm attempting to get 2 of my favorite people to get along and stop being passive aggressive toward each other. But you guys are kinda fucking failing." She said and I knew she was pissed off if she was cursing at us.

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