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"These niggas better not loose." I heard Robyn say walking up the bleachers.

We were at the football game and I knew It was going to start soon, I was scoping out Onika but I couldn't find her. I was only here for her anyways.

"I could care less if they loose or not." I said honestly as she sat next to me.

"Well duh, you only here for your girlllll.." Aubrey said dragging out the word and I groaned as they both laughed from beside me.

"Dummies! The games gonna start soon and none of you niggas brought food?" I heard Michelle say as she walked up the bleachers with Kelly following behind.

"Girl shut up and sit down." Kelly said pushing Michelle. The game was actually starting and I saw the cheerleaders talking off for the side. Onika her to be on of them.

"Bey stop fantasizing I thought I taught you better." Kelly said and I rolled my eyes.

"She's making progress though—remember when they sat at lunch together?" Aubrey spoke up and I looked at them like they were crazy. I was literally right here.

"Yeah. I invited her to bowling too." I said and they gasped and I felt Robyn pack my back in pride.

"Hell yeah! Even teams and you get to hang out with your potential girlfriend? Man you're kinda a walking W right now." She said and I shook my head smiling.

"You guys cool with that?" I asked and they all nodded. "Why wouldn't we be? New friend-new bowling partner- and you're one step closer to getting a girlfriend. Win win." Michelle said and I nodded smiling.

They really were good friends, I was lucky in more ways than one.

I turned back to the group of cheerleaders.
I recognized Onika, she was the shortest there. I kept staring, she had glittery make up on her face and some kind of design on her leg for school pride and I kept staring. She looked so good, and the uniform did her justice.

Before the actual game they did a cheer, and I watched in confusion for a second.

"What are they doing?" I asked and Michelle turned to me.

"Onikas the shortest, so she's the flyer. Aka the perosn they throw in the air and catch. Now watch." She said I watched closely trying to see how to turn into the Flash if they didn't catch her.

She was thrown and I watched as they caught her in relief, the team did good I can see why they funded the cheerleading team so much.

When they were done I watched Onika laugh with her squad before looking up into the bleachers.

We made eye contact and her face lit up asoon as she saw me.

She started to wave at me before eventually running up the bleachers and then getting a little shy realizing I was with my friends.

"Shy? Don't be you're going to be my bowling partner and we're going to kick Beys ass." I heard Robyn say and I couldn't find it in me to reply with something slick.

She must've noticed Onikas change in confidence when she approached us and she was making her comfortable. Onika let out a little laugh at that.

"Thanks I can't wait—I've never played before though." Kelly fake gasped. "Never went bowling? Next you're gonna say you never played Uno or something." She said and I saw Onika shrink into herself a little bit.

"What's Uno?" I was even a little surprised at that and Aubrey spoke up.

"Uno is a evil game black families make you play for hours." Aubrey explained and that was a pretty good way of explaining it.

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