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Beyonces Pov

Onika had gotten dragged away from me again, but I didn't mind. I had every class with her today, we shared shy glances. I couldn't get enough of her shy smile, It was so cute and I couldn't get enough of her dimples.

I sighed happily as I watched her write on the board at our teachers request.

She came over and sat back down, I gave her a thumbs up and she gave me another one her grins.

The bell rang and she began packing up her stuff, and I walked over to her.

"Wanna sit together at lunch today?" I asked and she looked a little hesitant. She definitely looked conflicted.

"You don't have to—" She shook her head quickly and cut me off.

"No! No-I want to." She says standing up putting her backpack on.

"Are you sure? I know you usually sit with Kenzie and the rest of them.." I trailed off and I could see the conflict in her eyes. She couldn't tell if she wanted to sit with me or not.

"I'm gonna sit with you today okay? Kenzie won't mind." She said smiling up at me but it wasn't as bright as the previous ones she's given me.

We walked together in the hallways and once we reached the lunch room I immediately saw my friendgroup and they looked suprised when they saw I was with Onika their jaws dropped and Aubrey gave me a thumbs up.

I groaned, I shouldn't sit with them today they'd be all weird around her.

I decided to lead her to one of the back tables as we sat down. "I'm going to get lunch, you coming with?" I asked her and she looked slightly hesitant again.

"Yeah actually— I'm really hungry." She said following after me. I was happy I could hang out with her even if it's just lunch right now.

"We're still on for studying after school right?" I asked and she nodded with a smile. "Yeah, you really suck at French huh?" She teased and I scoffed.

I held my heart acting fake hurt. "How could you say such a thing? I'll get you impeached student body president!" I said laughing in line with her.

Hearing her laugh again made me feel better, It felt genuine. My mind still kept going back to the bathroom though. What was upsetting her?

I watched her reach for the tray with a taco on it.

"I thought you were vegan for the longest time not gonna lie." She looked up at me for a brief second. "Yeah—I don't usually eat meat."She said giving me a nervous laugh.

We got out of the lunch line and sat down, we ate and talked about classes.

"Where do you want to study? We can do it in the library here; the school stays open till 7 because of sports and clubs." She mentioned and I nodded.

I knew the library usually wasn't used so— me and her alone and surrounded by bookshelves?

Sounds like a pretty good way to spend my afternoon.

She seemed slightly distracted, by.. her food.

She was staring at it, she had taken a few bites but now she was just staring at her plate and I shook her.

"Fuck—sorry." She said. It was so weird hearing the "perfect" girl of the school curse to be honest.

"It's cool.. you okay?" I asked and she nodded before standing up abruptly.

"I gotta, use the bathroom." She said rushing and I just watched in slight confusion.

I watched her leave the lunch room and then watched Kenzie follow right after.

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