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Beyonces Pov

I blinked away my sleepiness as I woke up. I was a little colder and I looked down and remembered I was naked.

Naked, and alone. Sounds like a good Tv show.

"You're awake. Hey!" I heard and I looked and smiled when I saw my hopefully future wife. She had a towel wrapped around her body.

I sat up a bit—know that feeling when you just wake up and dont want to do anything for a solid 4 minutes? Yeah that's me right now.

She turned her back to me and dropped the towel. I watched her get dress for whatever but really I was admiring her.

"My dad is picking my aunt and grandma up in about an hour and it takes like 40 minutes to get to the airport so I'm getting ready to go with him." She explained while hooking her bra on.

"Right—cool." I nodded. I was still sleepy. I watched her hurriedly put her pants on and another sweater and I watched her look around.

"Can I use your coat? Michelle spilled her slushee on mine earlier when she had gotten back from 7/11. Who likes slushees in the winter?"She asked herself.

"Yeah sure. You know how Michelle is." I laughed shaking my head till I realized my engagement ring was in there.

I got out of bed myself quickly and saw her bend over to find her boots and in that span of time I took the little precious box out and put in our nightstand quickly.

Just saved my own ass while taking a peek at hers.

I handed her my coat and she took it before peeking down below my waist and looking away. "You've seen this like one hundred times and your still shy?" I teased and I attempted to hug her and she moved away laughing.

"Yeah sure. I love you and all but take a shower—and put some pants on!" She said before putting coat on. It was a little big for her and she looked cute adjusting the sleeves.

"Can I get a kiss first before you pick up your sweet grandma and your scary Aunt?" I asked and she shook her head before giving me a quick kiss.

"She's not scary. She'll love you. Auntie Tyra is loving and sweet." She tried to convince me and I shook my head.

"I've never met her in person but when I said hi over the phone she attempted to interrogate me like a detective. Even asked me what my credit score was." I said.

"She's just protective of me. That's all." She leaned up and gave me a genuine kiss, holding the side of my neck.

I didn't know her Aunt that well but I felt like she was the last step of approval I needed. Sure I could marry Onika without consulting anyone but I felt like out of respect that I should inform them before hand.

But if her Aunt didn't like me—I think I'm screwed.

"She'll love you." She said and she sounded so serious but from the way her first were balled up and because I wasn't wearing a shirt there was no fabric to grip like I knew she would—

She's nervous too.

"More like she'll deal with me because I make her niece happy." I said and she shook her lead looking up at me.

"No-No she'll love you seriously. Know why?" I kept listened and I leaned down so our noses were touching.

"Why?" I asked. We were so close, I could smell her body wash she must've just used and I loved how her hair was frizzeled just a bit.

"Because I love you. " She sounded so confident in her answer and I thought I was the one who was swooping her off her feet. She managed to make my heart beat a little faster at that even though she's said it so many times before.

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