Chapter 15: A Game Within a Game

Start from the beginning

Morgana didn't like the look of this. Not one little bit.


Lila was still seething as she sat in her seat at lunch the next day. Alya was currently raving about getting an MDC interview somehow. Lila didn't know how she was going to sling that but since her clever ploy about not knowing the designer paid off, she felt it was best to stay away from the conversation. Unless the incident with her disastrous show was brought up. Her eyes then looked up to see a happy looking Marinette skipping through the lunch hall. She was wearing a light blue dress and seemed to be wearing an oversized coat. Presumably from her boyfriend. Ugh. She needed to do something about him. But she needed to be careful. Juleka seemed to agree with Marinette about Luka so it was something to be concerned about. Destroying that jacket would be good... but she wasn't sure who else would be that Marinette would destroy Luka's jacket. She needed something else. She watched Adrien excuse himself to the toilet and grinned. Now was her time.

"Hey Alya, sorry to interrupt, but is it okay if I pop to the loo quickly? I think my tinnitus is acting up, so I need to clear my head," Lila said with a smile.

"Sure girl! Want me to go with you?" Alya offered.

"No thanks, but you're so kind," Lila said, the lying venom rolling of her tongue.

As she excused herself, she followed Adrien in the direction of the toilets. On her way, her eyes fell on Morgana. The girl was keeping to herself per usual, carrying a lunch tray. She could not figure that girl out! Oh well, she wasn't calling her out or doing anything to her. Nor was she hanging out with Maritrash. An insignificant nobody, Lila concluded. On the way, a small wooden piece fell out of her bag. Morgana didn't seem to notice so swiftly and quickly, Lila swiped it up. It was revealed to be a queen piece, most likely form her chess set. Maybe she could use it to her advantage. How good would it be if it made its way into Maritrash's bag? A thief would be great to add to her list. Lila's head turned to follow Adrien as her eyes darkened.


Lila waited outside of the toilets patiently. Sure, she wanted to corner Adrien but even she didn't want to step into the toilets. She heard a flush and Adrien stepped out. His eyes met hers and his expression turned grim.

"Lila," he said stiffly.

"Oh, come on now Adrien, is that anyway to treat me," Lila said as she batted her eyelids. She latched onto him, her nails digging into him slightly. As other people passed them, Adrien couldn't even push her off.

"What do you want? I'm in no mood," he said tiredly.

"Oh yes, after that event yesterday, you're not in anyone's good books, are you?" Lila said sweetly.

"You really want to talk about disasters that happened yesterday?" Adrien said with slight irritation. Lila scowled at him and dug her nails in further. He winced as he felt her pull on him.

"I want a word," she snapped, dragging him off to the locker rooms. As soon as they were in there, the masks were dropped. She let go of him and he rubbed his arm fondly. Lila put her hands on her hips and glared him.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't take that tone with me. I need your account," Lila asked.

"What? Why?" Adrien asked in bewilderment. Out of all the things she could demand, that wasn't one of the things he was expecting.

"I want to back MDC into a corner. They had no right to do that to the brand yesterday," Lila said. Adrien rolled his eyes.

"They had no idea about the brand promotion, it was just poor timing," Adrien answered honestly. He had found it quite funny when his father came back pouting. Of course, he didn't say this.

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