"She just wants the best for me. And I know I've said that a thousand times in other circumstances but—my aunt isn't a toxic jealous teenager." She said smiling up at me.

She was talking about Kenzie—I knew that. After highschool Onika cut off all contact with her and from the gods of social media and randomly suggesting I follow people I now know that Kenzie is on her 4th divorce.

I was happy she could joke about it now.

She pulled away from me and grabbed her purse. "Bey, why didn't you tell me my hair is so frizzy and out of place?"She asked looking in the vanity mirror and I laughed.

"Not my fault you didn't put a bonnet on last night." I defended and turned around. "You didn't really give me a chance." She countered and I nodded.

"Good point." I said watching her put her hair in a slick bun with a wool headband. She was checking she had everything and looked up at me.

"I gotta go and I love you. I was being serious though take a shower and put on some pants." She said before leaving and blowing me a kiss.

I sighed and decided to do what she said and take a shower. I was still nervous as hell.

After I got I dried my hair and put on a wooly long sleeved shirt with some flannel bottoms. I knew she'd wanna bust out the matching Pjs for tomorrow.

I walked downstairs and heard Aubrey immediately. "You can't be serious! You must've cheated!" And I already knew they were playing a board game.

I walked into the living room scratching my stomach slightly and yawned. "Yall arguing this early? it's like 6am. My parents aren't even awake yet." I stated

"Nah nah—Kelly just cheated me out of 50 dollars!" He said and Kelly rolled her eyes.

"You cheated yourself out of it thinking Kelly wasn't going to cheat." I responded.

"You're both haters. I'm gonna take my new 50 dollars and go buy even more board games. That way I can beat Aubrey's ass in them and get even richer." She declared leaving.

I just shrugged and walked out and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and found myself orange juice and reached up and got myself a glass.

I sighed beginning to pour myself some and then heard my Dad. "What you in here sighing for? Who drank all the Minute maid? Damn y'all are greedy." He mumbled and I laughed watching him search for the long gone carton of Minuite maid.

"I'm not a kid anymore old man and pretty sure Michelle and Aubrey did." I said setting the blame on them.

"Whatever. What's up?" Damn my dad knew me well—a little too well like his sneaky wife who so happened to be my mother. Both of them could tell when something was wrong.

"Nothing dad." I insisted and he quirked his eyebrow.

"You're 26, a environmental science geek, with the girl you've been chasing since for awhile, seeming to love life but you look stressed out which is off for you. Usually Onikas the one who's stressed out." He stated and he wasn't wrong.

Onika usually was stressed out, she loved working with children and watching her bond with them really sparked something in me.

But she was still a doctor—so when a kid didn't make it she was really hard on herself.

Beyonces Pov, months ago.

I hummed as I washed the dishes—Onika should be home and I actually tried cooking and I didn't burn anything or set anything on fire. A win for me.

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