07- Family talk

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Faith PoV
We walk to a gas station so we can get some medical stuff for Yelena. "If the red room is still active where is it," I ask. "I don't know, it's all ways moving" Yelena say I huff. Great no leads. We're Tony at when I need him or even Bruce. "I find it wired that he managed to say of my radar," Nat says. "Well it wouldn't be a good idea to attract an Avenger"
My aunt has I point. "The clue is in the name. Dreykov kills any of you one of the big ones come to avenge you" Again she is right but I don't think they would come to avenge and no it not because I can't die, it is cause I'll just come back but not the point I can get on there never when I need inspiration or just bored.

"Where do you think I've been all this time. I know Faith didn't stop looking for me, so what about you." Yelena asks her sister. "I thought you got out, went somewhere you could live your life," Nat said. "No, you didn't want your baby sister having been around you and all the cool kids" I laugh. Lucas looks at me and we both switch from their conversation.

Klaus PoV
"Why are you looking at me" Faith ask. "cause you started to laugh, why" The boy replied "Cause I was thinking, if Hayley never bet me up, I would be like this with Hope," she said. I look at my right and see my other daughter look down. I could tell she want to see her sister. Then I look at Hayley and I don't see the little bit of guilt

"Well I wouldn't be annoying anyone I'm the oldest" Lucas, told me "oh yea you'll be the one getting annoyed," Faith says and started to laugh again. "Good to know you find me amusing Fay" she bidders her head and walk over to her other family.

"Hey you are doing Natasha poses," Faith says. "See even your own daughter thing your a poses" Yelena say walking out with the stuff. She walks up to the man at the counter. "You will forget seeing any of us here and the conversation you heard" They repeat what she said and they all leave. "Don't look at me like that Lucas I know you don't like but I can help it, my nature is to compel what I want and kill people?" she says. "I know and I would never have it any other way" she smile at him.

"That's not right he should be trying to stop her from hurting anyone," Elena said. "What no he should not, he care about her and that means he cares about the good and the bad. He shouldn't try to change her because he does like the way she is" Damon said. I look at him a nodded, he nodded back at me.

Damon PoV
"Damon why did you do that" Rebecca ask. "Cause I spent my full immorality having people try to change me and her souls have that. If you haven't realised she was pushed towards it. You can tell the reason Klaus didn't know his other daughter was alive was that she was scared he will see her differently and not his little girl anymore. The same reason Lucas hasn't come back to Mystic fall. I put him into a group that made him a perfect killer, he was scared for the same reason but with Caroline instead" I tell her not to take my off the to kid.

Klaus PoV
Omg, my little girl thing I might not love her anymore.

Caroline PoV
My son, thing I will not love him for what he was forced to do.

Faith PoV
After we let the ship we found some were to have a drink. I was about to put a drink in my mouth when the bottle was gone out of my hand. "You are 15, you're not drinking" I look at my mother. "You do know I have a very high tolerance right" she just surged her shoulder. "That's not fair I'm going to be stuck in the body of a 15-year old forever, "I say sounding like a 3-year-old. "Yep, not my problem" I look at her as if she just killed me. "Yelena right you are such a mom," I say and I huff and sit against Lucas. "Don't you even think about saying a thing?" I say with a stern voice to him.

Yelena started talking until something hit my interest. "He takes more every day, children who don't have anyone to protect them just like us when we were small" I look down to think I would be fine if I wasn't my father's heir but then again I wouldn't have met Lucas. "May one in 20 survives the training the rest he kills, and Thank you lot and Alexei. Now even looking for him" I look back up at them.

"Alexei" Natasha ask sounding a bit confused. "Dad" Yelena I grab hold of my necklace and think of my stuffed animal that I want to cuddle into so bad. "Did you ever go looking for your real parents" Yelena ask? This makes me think about my dad I have a sudden need to look around me. I feel like I'm been watched. "Well, my mom abandoned me in the street like garbage," mom say with a little nod of her head. " what about you?" she ask. "They destroyed my birth certificate, so I reinvented i" I look at her and want to know what she says. "My parents still live in Ohio l, my sister moves out  west." I giggle a little bit. "Oh really?" Nat asks with a smile on her face.

"You're a science teacher, but your working part-time a special after you had your son. Your husband he renovates house and your adopted daughter is in bight school want to be a veteran, but an is also studding art" I smile. When I was little I remember telling her I would either be working with animals or setting the world ablaze with my art."That's not my story, well part of it is and soon I will be putting that daughter in school" My eye widen. "Haha you have to go to school," Lucas said. "Steve and buck mention getting you to school and they were hoping that my little moon would compel you into her year so you were they longer" I look at him and start laughing. "Tell Steve I would love to," I say still laughing. "Do you ever wish for kids" Yelena ask "They is a spell Fay can cast on anyone or anything and let them have a kid so I think I waiting for the right one?" she tells her sister? "I want a dog" I smile a little bit. "Well you don't need one your niece can turn into a big one and so can her best friends," Mom said. "Haha very funny," I say sarcastically.

"So where are you going to go"Lucas asked.

Caroline PoV
I watched as Faith laid her head on my son's shoulder. "I don't know," Yelena say responding to Lucas's question. "I don't have anything to go back to so I guess I'll just go anywhere," she says. I felt sorry for her.

Natasha leans forward "don't. I don't want one of your hero speeches" Yelena say "Good cause speeches and my thing. It was more like an invitation"  I look at Klaus. "Someone is going to die." Kol says with a smirk on his face.

Hi my little hybrids hope you like this chapter I feel like this one short then the other one but hope you enjoy if I have time I'm might post and other chapter later to night.

Ruby-Jo xx

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