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9 years ago  3 people pov

Klaus watches his little girls. "Klaus" He looks back to see an old friend "Caroline" He let a smile form on his face. "How did you feel when Damon ripped Lucas from you" He ask "When I got my memory back, I was devastated I question and he said he soled him, he cried regretting what he did, but Elena said it was best. I and she weren't the same. But I had Stefan, he was upset he lost his nephew, but I hope my little boy is safe." She told grabbing his hand. "Faith looks much like you," She says looking down at the girls. "I know, Her full name is Faith Caroline Mikaelson" Klaus tell her. Caroline blushed slightly. She knows she doesn't love Klaus the way she did a year ago.

"I don't know how I'm going to feel, I will miss everything," Klaus says looking down at them. Faith hair is longer than Hope's so he pushes it away from her. From the movement her eye open and she grabs his figure. "Hello, My little star" He whispers to her. "Why have you chosen that nickname for her." Caroline is watching the two. "when she laughs or smiles at night, the stars get brighter." Klaus tells her. "Caroline, Faith isn't just a tribrid, she's the princess of the night" Klaus say look up at the sky. "What do you mean" "she will be able to control other people demons, take them and build an arm for he self, she is my Legacies, she does not get her wolf from Hayley but me, she has the same birthmark I did when I was little the Mikael had carved out of my skin," Klaus say rubbing his rightsholder

"But I thought Hope was the oldest," Caroline asked. "She is but that does not mean she the Mikaelson hair but Hayley's. So when I'm done been king and if I ever see them again It will go to Faith not Hope" Klaus says. And at that moment Faith want to be picked up so Klaus pick up his youngest daughter and moved to word a couch bring Caroline and the 3 cuddled together before Klaus was taken and locked away by Faith and Hopes adopted brother. Marcel.

7 years later 3 people pov

Klaus and his family were all still waiting for the two youngest Mikaelsons. "I want one day with my daughters" Klaus shouts "Hey look who up," Hayley says as she and a 7-year-old Hope walkout. "Hi," Hope say looking down. Klaus looks at hope then the door realising that his little stars weren't there. "Mom can I go play in the garden" Hope ask. After Hayley said yes to her oldest daughter Klaus want to know where their youngest daughter was. "Where is Faith" Hayley and been practising this for years. She looks down. "Not long after we left she became sick, they realised she was born with a bad kidney. They tried everything they could but she died at the age of 3" Hayley said lying but none of the Mikaelson noticed to focus on the fact That they lost a family member. "Where has she buried Hayley" Klaus ask as tears left his, from the news of his lost pup. Hayley chock back fake tears "Witches, I fought as hard as I could but they took her body, they would have taken Hope if I didn't leave her body," Hayley said Klaus at that moment broke down and Rebeca came to comfort her older brother. As Klaus was been comforted by the rest of his family he look at the black bracelet his has on his wrist that Marcel gave him saying a blonde girl gave the matching one to his Little star when she was 2 saying it was from daddy.

3 years after Klaus was taken 3 people pov

Hayley was listening to the sound of her oldest and youngest daughter heart beet and thinking about what Klaus and Caroline were talking about 3 years ago. If Faith is Klaus heir she will get everything Hope will be just known as the alpha to the crescent wolf pack, but I'm not giving that up. I want her as the queen of the supernatural, she is the older. She got up from her bed and walk up to Faith room. She and see the stuffed wolf from Caroline Forbes, the star necklace from her father as well as bracelet.

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Hayley looks at her daughter and picks her up

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Hayley looks at her daughter and picks her up. She had her wolf teddy in her hand. "Mommy, what's wrong" For a 3-year-old the little girl was very smart. "You are my problem you little brat, you are going to take everything from Hope," Hayley said as she threw the little girl to the ground. She starts beating her up punching and kicking. By the end of it she Faith has been covered in her blood she and a couple of broken bones but Hayley didn't care she called a witch and helped her stage her plan who also took her away. The witch gave Faith one request and that was to keep the jewellery her father gave her and she pushed it and ask to keep her teddy from caroline. The witch let it and the witch and Hayley made Caroline and her friends, that Faith Caroline Mikaelson was dead and her body was taken by witches.

Hello I thought If this idea and we'll I have got all the other chapter read I just need to edit them this book will seem like it didn't talk long but I started it summer time last years so I hope you like it my little hybrid and please cite and comment what you think


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