05- Memories

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Klaus pov
"Yea I have he's demon," My little girl said. "Do you know what to do?" the man called Clint says. "Nope but I can figure it out" I look at her. "Klaus she's beautiful," Freya says. "Yea she is" is said. "Wait you're not putting yourself in danger are you" I look at the 15 boy who you could tell cared for her. We all felt a sudden emotion. Love.

"Why did we feel that emotion" Josie ask. "I think the way this work as it could be any one of their memories but em, say we went through the F.C.M door we now know that stands for Faith Caroline Mikaelson, we would all feel her emotion at we see the memory" I nodded and put my eye back on the four people. All of a sudden we weren't in the memory anymore.

"Can we in into Faith's emotional door I want to know if I was right and she didn't deserve the responsibility to be Klaus's heir" Hayley said I was about to go there but Rebecca had already opened a door. "

So it look like we were standing in the middle of New York. "Guys I'm bringing the party to you" we lookup. "This is the battle of New York" I look up to see Hope's boyfriend, has he been here the whole time? "Tony that's not a party" I look up to see my little girl. The emotion I suddenly feel is worry
"Question where is Lucas," she asked "No time, find him later" The man is Tony stark. I meet his dad once, a smart guy.  I see her roll of the eye.

"Is that her superhero suit?" Rebecca asks looking at the kids. "Yep don't need as much perfection cause of her skills and I guess cause she's supernatural," Lizzie says. They all fought "Guys we have a problem, there's a missal coming our way" We hear the voice of the boy.

"Well hello to you to me I like disappearing and making his only friend worry," Faith said. "Fay calm your dramatic ass down"  "rude" we all laugh at her. "She Klaus daughter" I roll my eye at them. "Lucas help me" we saw the boy on a roof where something simpler to faith.

 Blue mist starts its way up he starts moving as well

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Blue mist starts its way up he starts moving as well. The mist wrapped around Tony's waist as he make it toward the black hole in the sky. We all watch as Tony stark flue through. We look around and all the aliens start to drop. "Did they win" Kol ask "Guys Toney isn't stopping!"
Faith shouts. "Where the hell did Night-Wolf go" Captain America ask. Hulk if I recall jump up and save Tony from falling and they all rush over but Faith starts moving towards the building night-wolf was standing on. A feeling of worry crossed her eyes. we couldn't see all her face and I was sat I won't get to know what she looks like at the age.

"Phonix, he's over here" she ran to the voice of her team.  Tony shot up after Hulk roared at him. "Please tell me known one kissed me" Tony. I stop paying attention and look at the two. She took both of the masks of. "MOM" Faith shouts. Everyone looks at her. "Oh god" they all can look at him "Jarvis," Tony says  "he has a heartbeat sire but it week" a voice comes from know were "let put a rain check on the food," Thor says.

I felt a pang of sadness run through my vies "Klaus" I look at Caroline. "I don't like this feeling," I say looking at my daughter seeing her look about to cry. I look at the kids. "Why was it captain America to pick him up and not Tony," I ask them. "Well since Steve Rogers met Night-Wolf Mr Stark say he sees the young boy as a son" I nod my head and look back.

It's a different place, "look like the boy recovered" Elijah said. I see Faith and the boy named Lucas both with masks on. I know every time Caroline his the name she upset. It is the name she wants to name her son. "They are the only two that people don't know other than spider-man but we don't know if his avenger yet." I hear Lizzie's voice.

The two teens walk over two the man causing them problems. "I don't think we have the pleasure, Loki God of Mischief," He told them "If I meet one of my uncles and still know you, I might have to come and get you. Cause you would definitely think you can would get along he like cause trouble," she says. We all look at Kol "what makes you all think she talking about me" I raise my eyebrows at him "you're right" he put a smirk on his face.

"Phoenix -Star," she says to him "Night-Wolf," Lucas says "No that's not either of your real names, it's the name the people have given your hero self. Isn't that right Faith Caroline Mikaelson," he says her head shoot up. And we see her wolf eye. To demon come behind her "god you are Klaus's hair, Princess of Demon" she flashes her eyes again and He steps back. "Now you Lucas Dylan Salvatore-Forbes" we all look at it in shook "No," Caroline said. "I looked for him, every place said my some died" Caroline start to cry, I put my arms around her. The twin came over and hug her. "Mom," Josie said. "We will find your brother," She says.

I look at Damon, he looks down. He should regret what he did, Caroline didn't even get to hold her little boy. Caroline was in my arms as wich contour to watch. "You are not as bad as her but your two are power full, You Faith made a name without the mikaelson and if you ever choose to see Klaus he should be proud and you Lucas you parent she be proud cause you stayed the sweet boy after dealing with so much" Loki say "Just like his mother" I look up to see Damon stand to behind us. Then we left the memory. "Can we see what they're doing right now" Lizzie ask?

We all walk to the end until they were on for with both of the names on. We opened and well did not expect what we saw.

Okay they now know who they both are pls bit and comment options

RJ xx

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