Ch.17- Hurried

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Jennie didn't let her do much, stopping after two rounds. Feeling sticky, the two of them took a bath together....

The two were becoming more compatible with each other.

The next few idle days were relaxing but boring. There wasn't anyone available to hang out with so she could only stick to exercising or reading books and watching dramas. She occasionally went home to visit her mother, and every time Mommy Kim would bring up Roseanne. She wanted to meet her daughter's girlfriend, but Jennie would always change the topic. 

Naturally, Mommy Kim knew that Jennie was avoiding the subject so she could say, "Don't torment yourself and live a peaceful, stable life."

Jennie knew that her mother was just worried for her, so she nodded her head: "I know."

When she left, Mommy Kim would pack her two person's worth of portions of flaky meat-filled rice cakes and sticky brown sugar rice cakes.

These two person's worth of rice cakes all ended up in Roseanne's stomach.

Regarding Roseanne-s previous proposal to visit Busan, Jennie thought about it and finally decided not to go, but, alas, things always change unexpectedly. Right before Jennie was ready to tell Roseanne the decision, Mommy Kim suddenly decided to travel abroad for New Year, and would only return after the fourth day, which happened to conflict with Jennie's schedule.

When her brother told her the news, Roseanne happened to be present, and she glanced sideways at Jennie.

In the next few days, although Roseanne didn't say anything, she was observing Jennie's reaction secretly, waiting for her answer.

It seemed that Roseanne really wanted to bring Jennie home with her.

Jennie didn't know what to do, so she asked for advice from Jisoo.

Jisoo answered without hesitation: "It's good to see the parents in advance. The dad has already sent you gifts, which means they already accept you. Don't stress about it too much, and you'll have to see them sooner or later anyway."

"Wouldn't it be too sudden?" Jennie frowned, their relationship seemed to be moving a little too fast.

"Why do you think that little kid asked you to go?" Jisoo asked, if it weren't for her parents reminding her, Roseanne would've never asked. "It's not like you're asking them for their blessings to marry or anything. Nowadays, it's just a meal and some chatting, not a big deal at all."

Jennie still had her doubts, while Jisoo searched for a cigarette, but she didn't smoke it. She was trying to quit, but whenever she felt the need, she would take out a stick and take a whiff. When she was annoyed or angry, she would only smoke half a stick. After a while, she felt a little anxious and went outside with a lighter.

Jennie decided to go to Busan. Roseanne, on the surface, was calm but had called her parents two or three times in private.

On Friday night, maybe because she thought they wouldn't have many chances to do it after they arrive in Busan, Roseanne came over to Jennie's apartment in the middle of the night. She gave an excuse, which was "to help pack the luggage," but came over to mess around.

Jennie knew what she wanted, but didn't let her do it until the packing was done.

"You can pack up in the morning..." Roseanne whispered, leaving kisses behind her ears, then leaning down to kiss her neck while her hands tightened around her waist.

Jennie tilted her head, grabbed Roseanne's arms, and murmured something softly. Roseanne turned her around, biting her soft lips, and kissed her fiercely as their tongues intertwined.

After "messing around" the entire night did they fall asleep.

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