Ch.13- Before bathing

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The sun reflected from an opposite high-rise building, turning the sparkling pool's water transparent. She blinked as the water slid down her hair and landed on her chest.

She tried to move her legs, but instead, the inner sides ground onto Roseanne's waist.

Their positions were incredibly intimate, causing a few people above to glance at them. However, everyone pretended not to see them, and didn't say anything.

She wanted to step back, but Roseanne stopped her and held the two of them together. Maybe it was just an illusion, but Jennie felt cold as the water splashed around her, a cool breeze landing on her back. She unconsciously tightened her arms around Roseanne and closed the distance between them.

Roseanne pushed her against the pool's wall, released her hands, and bent over to kiss. Jennie on the corner of her lips.

Just a light peck, nothing more.

A few people watching laughed suddenly, even Jennie couldn't help the corners of her lips from raising.

In contrast, the other two couples in the pool were either playing in the water or kissing so deeply that they were almost inseparable.

This group of girls was all at an age where they no longer interacted with people of Roseanne's age, so everyone was secretly observing Roseanne.

After soaking in the water for a long time, Jennie pulled Roseanne ashore.

Jisoo brought some barbecue over and teased her a little, Jennie accepted the barbecue and ignored her.

Around ten in the evening, the guests started going home. Jisoo had drunk herself silly while Jennie hadn't drunk a drop. Jennie wanted to drop Jisoo off but was intercepted by the cold-faced woman who offered to drive Jisoo home instead.

Jennie had seen the cold-faced woman once or twice; she was a friend of a friend who had a working relationship with Jisoo.

Jisoo still held some rationality, knew who the other party was, so accepted the cold-faced woman's offer, and left with her.

Jennie and Roseanne drove back to their neighborhood.

At this point, the community was silent; the dim street lights were the only lights left on. When Jennie reached the door of her apartment, Roseanne was still following behind her.

Jennie stood at the door and refused to let Roseanne in.

Roseanne respected her wishes; she wouldn't enter if the other didn't want her to.

"I'm going to Seoul City on Tuesday," said Jennie. "I will be studying and staying there for two to three days."

Even if she was just selling coffee, she still needed to keep up with the current trends and learn the latest marketing techniques. Since one couldn't expect a person to come and teach, she had to attend an event instead.

Roseanne quietly hummed in agreement.

"Go to bed early, and I'll see you tomorrow morning." Jennie started to close the door.

Roseanne stopped the door with one hand, leaned forward, and kissed her lips. Just like how she was taught, she bit on Jennie's lips and poked with her tongue.

Jennie was a bit surprised, but didn't push her away, and opened her mouth slightly in response.

The trip was a total of three days. When she returned, Roseanne was leaving to participate in a competition. It seemed their schedules were staggered.

Roseanne's competition should be done in the afternoon, and she said she would return this evening.

Jennie had bought a gift from Seoul City for Roseanne and was preparing several dishes for dinner when Mommy Kim called, asking about the latest situation with Roseanne.

Jennie mumbled some answers and didn't directly answer Mommy Kim's questioning.

"Bring her over when you're free." Mommy Kim ordered, before abruptly hanging up.

Jennie felt helpless. Roseanne was still a student; if she took her home, Mommy Kim will definitely have a lot of opinions on the matter. She'll wait until Roseanne graduates before doing anything.

Around eight, Roseanne returned. They ate, unpacked, and even took a bath together.

Taking off their clothes, they didn't enter the bath immediately and did it in front of the sink.

Jennie supported herself in front of the sink while Roseanne was behind her....

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