Chapter four

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I was sleeping peacefully till I heard a loud bagging noise on the door which made me jump as I looked around before hearing a car horn and more loud knocking as I rolled out of bed and went to the window to see Tommy and the boys there and there tour bus as I opened the window " hey terror twins can my not break down my house please" I yelled out as I see Tommy walk off my porch to see me as he smiled wide " just trying to be romantic babe" he said as I rolled my eyes " romantic my ass , don't you guys have a tour to be on ?" I said as they all laughed " yeah but drummer here didn't wanna leave till he saw you" mick spoke up causing me to blush a little " gimme five and I'll let you all in" I said as mick nodded as I closed the window and my curtains.
I quickly chucked some shorts on and a iron maiden tank top quickly brushing my hair before going down stairs to let them in as I opened the door they all came in like stampede Nikki being the last one to walk in as I looked at him as he looked at me " hey" he said pulling me into a hug " h..hey you good?" I mumbled and he held me tighter " I will be doll I will be" he said pulling away as my eyes meet his green ones "babe come here quick" I heard Tommy yell from the kitchen as I rolled my eyes knowing he's more likely eating all my food as me and Nikki walked in seeing mick already with a cup of coffee , vince was on the energy drinks and Tommy well Tommy didn't need any of that just blueberries pancakes that was enough to somehow keep up his energy.
" Tommy is there ever a day you ain't gonna eat me out of house and home" I said as he looked over still stuffing his face as he pulled out some cash and placed it on the counter " well here's the money to replace everything babe" he said as I walked over taking the cash as he wrapped an arm around me as he kissed me and I kissed back.
Yeah yeah I know me and Tommy made it official and I won't lie I was so happy but something told me that Nikki wasn't but he always had a smile on his face and even when me and him was alone the tension between us you could cut a knife , once all my food was eaten and Tommy ended up giving more money to me not just for the food but for the chair he broke swinging about on they guys had  to head off and hit the road
"I don't wanna leave" Tommy said holding me close to him " listen you , it will fly by you boys are gonna do and achieve such amazing things" I said holding his face in my hands as he smiled " I love you Ebony" he said as I smiled wide " I love you more Tommy , now go show the world what Rock and roll really is" I said as he smiled and leaned into kiss me as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss as a the bus horn went off making me jump as Tommy chuckled and pulled away " come on lover boy she will still be here when we get back" vince called as we laughed as he turned to me "see you soon babe" he said kissing me again "sooner than you think" I said as he smiled before going into the bus.
I knew I was going to be anxious about the boys leaving it's there first real tour and especially with Tommy , I didn't like him knowing but I knew there would be better and prettier girls for him , but he said that he'd stay loyal and truthful and I just had to have faith in him , mick even said if he did something out of line he would chop Tommy's dick off as much as we laugh I knew mick wasn't joking
Soon the bus started to move and Tommy was at the window with the rest of the guys waving as I waved back as they set off down the road .

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