Chapter one

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December 23. 1996

" I Nikki sixx, take you Brandi bandit as my lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold , to live and to cherish until death do use apart" as he smiled "without further ado I now pronounce you husband and wife" the Priest said as every one started cheering and clapping as I looked at Nikki and his now wife feeling my eyes prick with tears as mick wrapped an arm around me " everything is gonna be ok kid" he said as I smiled softly feeling the tear full as I look back at Nikki as he looked at me as I faked a smile as he smiled back .

How did we get here ?


September 24 1980

"Ebony table 6 is waiting to order" dolly said as I grabbed my note pad and pen and made my way over " hey welcome to dolly's may I take your order?" I said as the guy man looked up holding tissues to his bloody nose , his green eyes meeting mine " just the French toast sticks and scrambled egg please" he said looking back down at the news paper " coming up" I said walking away as dolly faces me with a toothy grin " he's cute , why don't you go for it" she said nudging me as I looked at her " please like he'd go for me" I said grabbing his order .
as I turned to see someone else has joined him as I took his order over to him as he looked up from talking " anything else can I get you boys ?" I said grabbing my note pad " can I get a jack and coke" one guy said as I looked at the other " and for you?" I asked " blueberry pancakes please" he said really bubbly as I smiled " ok" I said smiling as dolly looked at me as to say 'girl there's your chance' as I smiled and shook my head soon there was a burst through the door as I looked to see one I wasn't in the mood to see , my ex drunk as always nothing new as I rolled my eyes as he walked over " I fucking told you I don't want you working here" he yelled getting everyone's attention " and I told you we are over Dylan , I broke up with you remember" I said being calm which pissed him off more .
as I went to take table six's order " here you go boys" I said going to place the ray down as I felt someone pull me back by my hair as I dropped everything on them as I fell back looking up to see my Dylan with a fist full of my hair as I saw him swing with the other as I closed my eyes " hey get off her" I heard a voice say as the two boys jumped Dylan as dolly pulled me away " if you ever lay a hand on her or any woman you will wish you was dead before I'm done with you" one said as Dylan looked at him and then at me before running off as they both walked over to me " Fred grab the first aid kit" dolly said as they both looked at me " you ok ?........Ebony?" One said looking at my name tag " yeah I will be thank you ......sorry I didn't get your names" I said looking as them as they smiled " well I'm Tommy and this is Nikki" he said as I smiled as dolly passed me the first aid box " well you boys look like you both had a around with Mike Tyson" dolly said as they laughed as she cleaned them up.
" no one should ever lay a hand on a girl , not one as pretty as you" Tommy said causing me to blush slightly as Nikki looked at me and smirked softly " again thank you guys , I don't know how to repay you ?" I said as Dolly looked at me and then took there bill and ripped it " it's on the house boys" she said as they smiled " thank you" they both said at the same time as they smiled and sat back down , everyonce in a while catching Nikki looking at me.

How did we get here Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum