Chapter 2

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"So, what is this race Ercole was talking about?" Alberto looked curiously at (Y/N).

Giulia gasped while slamming her hand onto her chest, where her heart is located. "YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE PORTOROSSO CUP?!" She faked being offended.

Luca and Alberto clingt to each other, obviously frightened by Giulia. (Y/N) held a hand in front of his mouth, tying not to chuckle at their behavior. He got himself together, and asked his new friends. "You're new in town, right?" Luca nodded.

"We can talk about that later! Now to the important things, THE PORTOROSSO CUP!" Giulia was always so serious about the race, which is understood and quite admirable.

"It's like basically just this big race that takes place every summer."
(Y/N) told them in the least overwhelming way possible. It was obvious to everyone in town that he doesn't care about the race just as much as Giulia.

He never participated in the race either. Swimming isn't really something he could do without having something thrown after him, but he did think about helping Giulia this year. Though the only thing he could do is eat pasta.

"Well it's not JUST a race. It's... Something amazing! First you have to swim, then eat pasta but the thing is, they change the pasta every year! And at last you have to bike your way up the town just to drive back down! And if you  win, you get some money and the...cup." Giulia proceed to explain the race while doing some dramatic gestures with her hands. The excited and joy on her face was priceless to Y/N.

Seeing Giulia's warm brown eyes that light up and her big smile that could cheer you up in seconds was something, that the H/C haired boy would never trade for anything in the world.

Luca and Alberto looked at eachother for a minute as if they were talking to eachother without words. Alberto then looked at Giulia with curiosity. "And can we exchange the money for something else like..." His eyes slowly turned to a brand new shiny Vespa. "...that." Luca grinned and nodded eagerly.

Y/N looked over at the Vespa and back at Alberto and Luca with a deadpanned experience. "No. But you definitely could afford that." He pointed at an old rusty Vespa with a smile.

Lucas grin widened as he turned to Alberto and grabbed him by his shoulder."She's perfect!" Alberto grinned back at Luca's statement and nodded his head.

"She?" Y/N looked at Luca with amusement playing a big role on his face. Alberto rolled his eyes playfully at Y/N. "Obviously. " They both chuckled.

Alberto then turned to Giulia and said bored. "Well then we just win the race."

Giulia inhaled the air a little to hard and started coughing from probably swallowing a fly. Y/N started laughing so hard that he had to clutch his stomach while Luca just let out a snore, trying not to laugh.

The orange haired girl hit herself with her fist on her chest and calmed down. Giulia looked furious and annoyed at the same time."You first have to get past Ercole!" Alberto just looked bored in Giulia's eyes. "Then we get past Ercole."

Luca and Y/N looked at eachother while nervous sweat started dripping off them and Started silently whispering to eachother. Then they nodded and looked back at Alberto and Giulia.

"Well what about we just you know..." Luca averted his eyes towards Y/N, silently begging for him to help. The e/c eyed teen nodded barely noticeable and looked towards Alberto and Giulia. "Work together. How about you guys enter as a team."

Luca grinned. " Yea! It would be easier,right?" Giulia nodded, lost in her own thoughts.


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