Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = your name
(E/C) = your eye color
(H/C) = your hair Color
'saying thing at the same time'


A startled (H/C) haired teen shot up from his comfortable bed that he grew to love more and more everyday. His body and mind didn't had time to get used to the sudden change of being awake, and not asleep.

The fifteen year old rubbed his barely open eyes with his hands and looked straight into a pair of bright brown eyes filled with happiness.

Those eyes were rightfully owned by his sister, Giulia Marcovaldo, who was already fully dressed. How she managed to be so cheerful and... awake in the morning, will always be a mystery to (Y/N) that he might never solve.

"What do you want Giulia? I'm tired." The Slightly deep morning voice from (Y/N) came out annoyed and quiet whiny.

I mean who actually likes mornings? (Y/N) for sure doesn't.

Giulia rolled her eyes jokingly at her beloved brother.

"It's 8 o'clock! Get up and do whatever you have to do to get ready, because I need more weight on my bike!!" Giulia over dramatically leaned her head back with her hand on her forehead. All that while dropping herself on (Y/N)'s bed.

(Y/N) swung his legs off the side of his precious bed and proceeds to stand up. "How are you already so dramatic? Even I can't manage that at 8 o'clock. Oh to be so powerful like you, Giulia!" 

The sarcasm was thickly laced in his last sentence. Giulia jumped up and off (Y/N)'s bed and grinned. "It took me years to master the craft of being dramatic! I would gladly pass on my knowledge to a youngling like you!" That was probably the most sarcastic thing that Giulia could answer.

They bought chuckled while (Y/N) turned away from his wardrobe to face Giulia, and bowed to her jokingly.

"Hurry up, sir over the top! I'm not feeling like waiting three thousand years for you to get dressed!" And with that Giulia left the room while laughing.

The male teen once again faced the open wardrobe. What should he wear? The weather could be described as literal hell to (Y/N). It was too hot for his liking, wich doesn't say a lot. He just prefers colder weather than what the summer heat had to offer.

After 5 minutes of blankly staring at his clothes, he finally decided on something. Some medium blue shorts with a black belt and a green short sleeve blouse with a flower design on it. This is Italy after all.

(Describing outfits isn't something I'm good at so here's what I imagined

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(Describing outfits isn't something I'm good at so here's what I imagined. You obviously do not have to like it and can fix it into your liking)

Finally actually looking into the full lenght mirror that stood in his room, he deemed the outfit as something that he can wear today.

(Y/N) took out a hair brush from one of the shelves that he had in his room and brushed his (H/C) hair, before fluffing it out with his hands.

Was it a fluffy mess of hair? Yes. Was it good enough? Also yes.

After all that getting ready, he finally left his room and went to the kitchen where Giulia and his dad, Massimo Marcovaldo, were in there own conversation.

"Good morning." sent a small wave towards his dad who smile at him. "Good morning (Y/N). Did you sleep well?"

"i did. UNTIL GIULIA WOKE ME UP, YELLING MY NAME!" He threw his arms in the air. Giulia chuckled awkwardly and grinned at (Y/N). "that totally didn't happend. I would NEVER." Giulia elbowed (Y/N) that in the meantime sat next to her. He slammed his face onto the table while clenching his stomach. "well that hurt..."


"Hey! Ercole, basta!"

Giulia was riding her bike straight towards Ercole Visconti, with (Y/N) on her bike trailer(HELP WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY CALLED GOOGLE WONT HELP ME) . Ercole, who was trying to shove some boys head in the fountain looked annoyed at Giulia. She drove right in between Ercole and the boy making him let go. But who is the boy with short curly darkish brown hair that doesn't wear shoes?

"Oh, look who's here. Spewlia and Amore Mio(my love(I HOPE IT MEANS THAT LOL) )." Ercole grinned and chuckled."Wow, Spewlia. Is that how you're training for the Race?" Giulia hoped off her bike, her face only showing rage towards Ercole. (Y/N) casually got of the trailer and stood next to it while looking at the two brown haired boy. Giulia held a fish right in front of Ercoles face, as she exclaimed "Your reign of terror is coming to an end!"

"you mean like a year ago? Where you quit in the middle of the race because you couldn't stop" Ercole pretends to gag. "throwing up?" Giulia glared holes into him.

"I didn't quit. They made me stop." (Y/N) placed a comforting hand on Giulias shoulder. Ercole looked at Giulia deadpanned. (Y/N) was just standing there with his hand on Giulias shoulder as some sort of support, while being ignored. "That's even worse. But whatever." The EVIL bully waved his hand in front of Giulia in a motion that said 'go away'.

He turned towards (Y/N) and smirked. Ercole took (Y/N)s hand that wasn't on Giulias shoulder and slowly brought it to his lips while keeping eye contact. That however caused (Y/N) to drop his free hand from Giulias shoulder, and also to blush. He averted his eyes from Ercole. Giulia was fuming beside (Y/N), looking like she was about to punch someone that goes by the name Ercole Visconti.

The two strangers that were being nearly harassed by Ercole, just stood there. They for sure didn't know what to do. Though one of them definitely thought of the (H/C) haired boy as quiet handsome. Who wouldn't ? His perfectly Wavy/curly/straight fluffy hair and his breath taking (E/C) eyes. Welp what could someone do about a silly little crush for someone that they haven't even talked to yet.

Giulia had it. "That's it Ercole! Can't you stop stop flirting with (Y/N) for once! He obviously doesn't like you back!" or does he like Ercole back? Nah, why would he have a crush on a bully...right? Oh well.

Ercole rolled his eyes at Giulia while (Y/N) released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "oh? And what are you going to do about it, Spewlia?"

The red head huffed and got on her bike. "Come on (Y/N). We're leaving this idiot." (Y/N) smiled awkwardly at his sister and nodded while she turned to the still teenage strangers. "Hop on, you two. I could use some extra weight" They both nodded their heads and sat down at the back, next to the (H/C) boy. Ercole winked at (Y/N) while the four kids rode away.

The golden-brown haired boy who was slightly taller than the other strangers looked awkwardly and annoyed at (Y/N). "Are you dating that absolut prick?" The 15 year old looked a little surprised at that question. "No, I'm not." Giulia rolled her eyes while smiling, wich they couldn't see but still. "Well, I hope so."

Giulia deemed that they were far enough from Ercole, and stopped the bike. She hopped off while the others also got of. "My Name is (Y/N) Marcovaldo." He stuck out his hand towards one of the boys. "The name is Alberto Scorfano." Alberto grinned at (Y/N), while shacking his hand. A small barely noticeable blush dusted Albertos tan checks that held light freckles. They let go and (Y/N) turned to Albertos friend. The boy showed a shy smile. " Luca Paguro." The three boys turned to Giulia wich chuckled. " I'm Giulia Marcovaldo, (Y/N)s sister."

"Really? You both look nothing alike." Luka questioned.

"No, we both were obviously not telling the true." Giulias brother said that maybe a bit too seriously. "We're siblings, he's just adopted." (Y/N) stuck his tongue out to Giulia.

1375 words


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