The fall of magix

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Faragonda's Office
A few days have passed since the exhibition and I have been using my time to read the book my mother left for me and to do some research on my powers, my realm and bloom's power.

Bloom, Griselda, Faragonda and I are in the office. Griselda pours some tea and gives it to Bloom.

"Here. Drink it while it's hot. It'll do you good."

"Alright then, would you like to tell us what happened, Bloom?"

"I went back to Gardenia, Ma'am. I- I didn't feel like I was good enough for this school."

"Oh, Bloom."

"It was a hard journey but useful. Now I know who I am, and what my purpose is. Or was, rather."

"What do you mean?"

"I found out the truth, and it's horrible. I'm the last Princess of Domino, Ma'am! The Keeper of the Dragon Flame. That's why my sister, Daphne the Nymph, gave me that crown at Lake Roccaluce. That crown was the symbol for which she sacrificed her life."

"Yes, but you embody that symbol."

"You mean you know my history? Why in the world didn't you tell me?"

"Bloom, sometimes the search for the truth is more important than the truth itself. If I'd told you earlier, you wouldn't have been able to understand."

"So, you're saying it was better for me to find things out through the three witches?"

"That is not it Bloom, what she is saying is thet you have just found out a whole new world and finding out that your parent are not really you parents is to much for such a short period of time."

"What three witches? What are you talking about?"

"Icy, Darcy and Stormy followed me to Gardenia and took away the power I was meant to protect. The Dragon Flame is in their hands. Those three witches are no mere students. A strange light shines in their eyes. They're crazy, ma'am. Crazy like the three old witches who destroyed Domino way back when. And now, what's going to happen?"

"I don't know. But this doesn't bode well for Magix."

Winx's Dorm
Third POV

"I'm a mess. I was unable to use my power when I needed it most, and now the whole magic dimension is in serious jeopardy. I've got to do something, but what? I mean, I've lost my powers. I'm not a fairy. I'm not anything anymore."

Phone rings

Red Fountain

Sky: "Hi, Stella? May I speak to Bloom? Of course. No problem. I'll wait. She can't? Oh."

"Rejected by his little fairy. Darcy will be happy to hear this."

Cloud Tower

"Riven! Over here!"

"What's going on here? Since when does Griffin let you use her office?"

The Trix laugh

Stormy: "Since we took it from her."

Riven: "What do you mean? I don't know what you've done, but I really don't like what's going on around here."

Stormy: "Oh, Riven. You're still in the dark, aren't you? But rest assured, you were fundamental to our success."

Darcy: "We couldn't have done it without your help."

Icy: "Your spying skills made all the difference in our power struggle with the fairies."

Riven: "No! You've tricked me! Curses on you! You snakes!"

He tries to attack them but fails

Darcy: "Sphere of Oblivion!"

Icy: "The power we've been hungering after for so long is now ours. We'll begin the conquest at Cloud Tower. Then, the whole magic dimension."

Stormy: "At last!"

Icy: "Let's not be rash, Stormy. Today, Alfea and Red Fountain will get a taste of what we're capable of!"

They summon the Army

Icy: "Rise up, Creatures of the Dark. As your rulers, we command it. So what do you think of our army, sisters? The moment of truth has come at last."


"Hey, look! It's about to rain."

"Sorry, it was pure reflex!"

"Everybody, let's get out of here! The school's under attack!"

"This is a total invasion. We've got to fight back!"

"Let's send these critters back to where they came from!"

"But I... I can't help."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them for you too."

"All right. Go on then."

The girls transform

A big creature then chases after Bloom and Kiko. Another creature appears right behind Musa


"Light sword technique, fourth level of power. I'll teach you that next year."

"It's all right. Let me handle it."

"They've swarmed the East Wing. Now, they're headed for the laboratories."

"Did you hear that, Saladin? Those creatures are taking over Alfea."

"The situation here at Red Fountain isn't much better. The entire magic dimension is in great peril! Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and help my boys."

Red Fountain

A flying bus appears

"Prince Sky! We've come to get you!" Diaspro calls out


"We've come to get you out of here! You must save yourself, my prince!"

"We're fighting to save the dimension! My place is here!"

"Don't be silly, you're a prince! Let these peasants fight for you! Well, what are you waiting for? Your duty is to rule!"

Sky cuts the rope. Diaspro leaves in anger

Guard: "Mission failed. Fall back."

Somewhere else
Morgana's POV

At the moment anúbis, Ayden and I are taking a peaceful walk near lake roccaluce completely unaware of what was happening in both our schools, however the peace doesn't last very long, we are interrupted by a voice coming from inside the lake.

"Morgana, I am Daphne and I must ask you both to go back to your schools, they are in dire need of help."

"Of course Daphne." Still uncertain about her identity

Dragon's Fairy - Winx ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora