Chapter 2 ''I saw it for the first time.''

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''Ahh'' a pleasant morning,with all the sunrays on my face , i feel so good as if it was just a normal day, but i strangely felt that there was something extraordinary going to happen. I got up and freshened up myself. As I went towards the kitchen ''OH MY GOD'' I said, the whole room smelled of pancakes and beacon. '' Good morning sweety'' mom said, I replied ''hmm'' she asked me what happened,i just said 'Is there something today I'm missing '', she said '' Come on! Just have your breakfast quickly and help me witgh the backyard.I exclaimed '' Backyard! we have a backyard .'' I was just so excited to see it. So we went, Of course i was done eating( huushh I'm a fast eater.) As i entered it was so............ DUSTY&DIRTY!, but i just felt so awesome because I've never really had this kinda place to live in and all the greenery,the wind,the sun and the pleasant environment reminded me to check my bag, I ran to my room and checked whether I had my precious balletrina with me, it was looking so beautiful in the sunrays as the silver was just reflecting like a mirror, so as I placed it near my window '' Oh my God'' i said , i saw a person walking past my backyard. I scream loudly, and guess what my sister runs into my room with, her goddarn straightener and i burst out laughing at her . She exclaimed what had happened and why was there so much of screaming , then I suddenly was serious again and told her that i had seen someone walk past my window, but wow such helpful sisters can only lead to a denial, she laughed at me and told me the i must have seen mum,dad or my brother (yup i got a huge family! p.s. still the youngest!!) but i still repeatedly sweared that i really did see someone down there, and when i did it was like, like my heart skipped a beat, as if I knew him for a really long time and he had come to remind me who I really was with just one stare. My voice had gone for that moment. The day had passed so fast , as he did. I definately felt a thing for him, but every moment i thought or spoke about it a doubt would rise. Soo I let go of it , only if that will let go of me (i guess it's my mood swings !) anyway it had turned night, i just munched onto some junk from the kitchen and tried to go to sleep. But one thing that repeated in my mind was , nothing so extraordinary happened before , but here I could prove to myself that '' I saw it for the first time''.

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