Chapter 7: God, It's brutal out here

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"So it all happened" I ended my long ass saga by detailing yesterday's event in Pizza Parlour, as she asked me to. "Damn girl, I'm telling you that the devil for yours has the biggest crush on you," said Leah. "Not this again girl" I sighed.

So when I came to school today I told Leah that something strange happened between Carter and Ryan yesterday and it caught her attention, First she asked me who Ryan is and I told her that he works with me where I have a part time job, and yesterday Carter and Josh were over there and all of this happened, when she heard Carter's name his sweet name, it got her full attention and then she asked me to 'deeply ' explain everything and I did.

And now she's making the assumption that Carter has a crush on me, how can Carter Knight have a crush on me, he's so famous that every girl likes him, And he can make anyone his girlfriend, very easily, like you know hot cheerleaders and here I am, a living breathing potato.

Why would he even like me? There's nothing special in me, and he's perfect if you remove the prank part of course.

"You know everyone has a hunch, and I feel the same way about you and that devil lover of yours" she told me with such confidence that she was telling me my future, just like a fortune teller but it's too good to be true and I know we shouldn't have dreams that are out of our bounds.

In return I looked at her as if she had really lost her mind. She is not okay.

"Leah can't be like that, look at Carter he's so you know perfect and here I'm absolutely worthless, there's nothing special in me that would make him like me" I said and lowered my head and started looking at the ground.

"Listen here silly girl, we should not consider ourselves less than anyone, and you don't necessarily have to be special in anything. If he loves you, he doesn't need to see anything special in you, he will like you just the way you are." she said.

I was surprised no one said anything so beautiful to me, especially because of my insecurity. I turned my head towards her and seeing my open mouth she chuckled and flicked on my head. Just as she was about to say something else, someone shouted from behind.

"Hey Pikachu, welcome me, your savior is back," some idiot, whom I call my best friend, shouts across the corridor. "gosh this guy" I muttered.

"Is this the guy you say is your best friend before me?" Leah asked and pointed to Aiden who was walking towards us with a big smile and open arms.

"Yeah, unfortunately" I sighed. "Someone has come back after recovering and is back to his old self" I chuckled. "Well he seems cool to me" Leah winked.

Aiden came towards my locker, as he stopped, he squeezed my cheeks and said in a childish voice "oh my sweet sweet Anna I know you must have missed me a lot, but don't worry I'm back, Now I will never leave you" with that he tightly hugged me.

This is the worst effect of having squeezy cheeks. Can I swap cheeks with Ivy from my English class? She wants squeezy cheeks and I can't wait to get rid of them. Amazing deal right, but will she agree?, I have to ask.

"Hey leave my cheeks with your dirty hands" I said and slapped Aiden's hands. "Oh Anna I'm hurt" he said with an annoying pout. "Dude you look like a kid who lost his favorite candy" Leah said with a laugh, and Aiden huffed.

"Okay, stop acting, and meet Leah, our new friend and Leah, this is the idiot I was talking about, Aiden," I said and chuckled. "Anna, that was a great way to introduce me. Is that how I raised you?" said Aiden And made his facial expressions like he was a father who is disappointed with his child. He is a total drama queen.

"Leave her, she is just jealous of my handsome face and let me introduce myself properly and in a better way" He side glared at me and I chuckled. This boy is so full of himself. "Hey gorgeous, my name is Aiden and I am this Dumbo's only friend here. Well not anymore and I'm so glad you came, and I'd love to be friends with such a beautiful person like you" he said or I should say flirt "smooth aiden so smooth" I smirk.

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