Scene 15 - Eat

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Damien Rosecarrock, the Director, sits impatiently in his office, fiddling with his fish-related items on his desk. There is a knock on the sliding grey entrance.



The sliding entrance opens. Ms. Taylor arrives carrying a meal covered with a grey, shining silver lid. She takes it to his desk.

Ah. Ms. Taylor. Excellent. My lunch, fresh from the rig itself.

Ms. Taylor:

Sir, shouldn't you at least consider what they are saying. There are reports of these new, unidentified quantities of toxic fish floating on the surface.


More conspiracy theories. These security people do a good job of making these sorts of Humpty Dumpty's real.

Ms. Taylor:

But Mr. Rosecarrock, it is multiplying quickly. And they're worried about the environmental impact of it. What if it got onto the land?


Ms. Taylor, must I remind you that you are paid to be my secretary, not my advisor. Yes? My rig is perfectly fine. I have not contacted them, and I have no need to because it's all a phoney. For all I care, these Mysterons or swamp monsters from Atlantis or whatever they are can go shove it! Now, run along, my dear. You have work to perform, and I have a delicious lunch to eat.

He ushers her out of the room. The sliding doors open, and she is pushed out. The doors close, and the Director turns about with a sigh of relief. He returns to his desk, but the creeping, sinister Mysteron rings slide over the silver lid of food without his knowledge. It slides over it and then disappears. By this stage, it was too late for the Director. He is back at his desk and presses a switch on his door to lock it, so he is not disturbed by his lunch. The man opens to his delicious fish with chips. Glistening silver cutlery is presented with the food, as well as a napkin. He prepares himself with his alcoholic drink, a fork, a knife, and a napkin. The Director begins stuffing his face with the chips and the face.

We only look at this from the legs of Damien, hearing him rudely and unpleasantly devour and rip and chew. He coughs. He coughs again. And again. The Director begins choking, gasping for air and squealing out. Dropping his cutlery loudly, some of his food falls to the floor. His legs tense up and shake. It intensifies before we see the dying man collapse to the floor, with his feet all that insight. The victim shakes and turns uncontrollably as he gags his last. His body gives one last hard shake before the tensed muscles leave the man dead on his floor. Ms. Taylor knocks on the sliding entrance.

Ms. Taylor:

Director? Director, are you alright?

We see the grey door before cutting to the corpse as the Mysteron rings slide over the body from left to right. Ms. Taylor keeps knocking on the door, changing to the same shot of the door as a moment ago.

Mr. Rosecarrock? Sir? Can I come in?

The turning dial of the safe turns around to the right automatically to activate the numbers. The numbers are highlighted in a green colour on a screen – 3-9-9-5.

Mr. Rosecarrock, are you alright?

We cut to the door again for the final few knocks. Next, the corpse is being dragged into the safe, big enough to hold a dead body. We only see the legs of the victim as he is slowly dragged in, his feet scuffling along the floor until inside. The safe shuts itself with a big clamp, locking itself automatically. The mechanical sound of the locking device turns and ticks. Ms. Taylor has used an override control from her side to open the sliding entrance. She heads in to see the Director is ok – or was he?

Director, sir. Are you alright? I thought I heard some noises in here.

We are presented to the Mysteronised Damien. He sits upright in his chair with his food looking at the Secretary.


I am perfectly well, thank you. It must have just been me tucking into this fish. It's so delicious, it's to die for.

We zoom in on the face of the Mysteron Agent...


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