Chapter 2

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Theresa Apocalypse was expecting guests. Standing before the landing pad, she crossed her arms as she watched the private airline began its descent from the clouds above as it drew closer to St. Freya High. The breeze suddenly became a howling gale as the exhausts of the aircraft proceeded to land in front of her, crossing her arms she smiled as two figures exited and greeted the small principal. 

"I hope your flight treated the both of you well, and you Sol, don't think that you're off the hook from yesterday." The aforementioned boy afforded a sheepish laugh as he stepped down and hugged one of his last remaining family members.  

"Yeah, yeah, glad to see you too Aunt Teri. Welp, since you're here to greet us personally I'm going to assume that Otto's already sent notice of our arrival and purpose?" Theresa thumped a fist against her chest, a smug grin spreading across her face. 

"Of course I have! You two are here for the Valkyrie Ranking Exams that are being held soon! I've even prepared some guest rooms for the both of you but that can wait until later, the students are just about finished for their classes today so there'll be plenty of time for you to check out the school, Rita." 

The maid bowed deeply, before raising herself up and beginning to stroll around the campus. "We thank you for the wonderful accomodations, Principal Theresa. Mr. Kaslana, please do remember that we have our assignments and we're not here strictly for fun." It was more of a playful reminder but the aforementioned knight still scratched his cheek, watching her saunter away. 

"Jeez, that maid is still sticking her neck in my business. Anyways, I think I'll have a look around Aunty, it's been quite some time since I was last here." 

But before he could take even a single step, a hand clenched the legs of his pants, seizing him on the spot. A bead of sweat dropped down from his brow as he slowly craned his head toward the culprit, a nasty aura surrounding her equally evil smile. "Now, now. I did say that we'd still have that little talk before you ran off anywhere, did I not?" 

A thousand excuses and thoughts streamed through his mind but Soleil realised the futility of his situation. 

If anything, he'd hope that she would at least go easy on him for this spar. 


"Kiana, slow down!" 

"Da, Subject Idiotka should not be running through the halls." 

The callings of her friends didn't register to the blue eyed girl as she darted through the immense halls of St. Freya High, ducking through any students that stood in her way. News travelled fast that an S-Class Valkyrie had landed in the school with a male companion, the famed Knight of Schicksal, they called him. 

And Kiana knew only one person that currently held the title. 

The energetic girl grinned ear to ear as she approached the Principal's Office, target dead set on finding her brother. Passing by all other trainee Valkyries that watched on in amazement that Kiana was excited enough to warrant her gunning through the building. With her eyes on the prize, a dazzling smile and leg reared back. 

She kicked the door off of its hinges in a flying kick. 


Her celebration was cut shortly. The door had gone and smacked the brother, his comically unconscious body slung over the desk with Theresa on the ground dazed, eyes swirling as she had also been clocked in the head. 

"Uh oh...I better get out of here."

Her path was immediately blocked by two other girls, one almost collapsed from exhaustion and the other's stare set in a neutral state. Yet one could tell her annoyance, evident of the materialised cannon that was pointing clear at the white-haired girl. Kiana threw her hands up in the air to placate her friends. 

Until she felt the presence of two malevolent forces encroach upon her. 

"K.I.A.N.A" They both spoke in unison, drawing out the culprits name as she shivered on the spot. 


Another typical day for St. Freya. 


Soleil's eye twitched as he pulled on his sisters cheeks with the girl painfully yelping with every tug. Likewise, Theresa also sat behind her desk, though her expression was almost entirely covered because of the oversized desk. At least, it was oversized in comparison to her stature. 

She had yet to get that replacement table...

The others watched in abject horror and amusement as the younger sibling suffered from the elder's shenanigans as he began lecturing her upon the proper behaviour. "It's considered rude to enter a room without knocking, doubly so if it's a private office of a staff member. TRIPLE SO IF THE DAMN DOOR KNOCKS OUT SOMEONE!" 

His fury was palpable to say the least. 

"Ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I promise I won't break anymore doors from now on!" Her cheeks were only stretched more as the young man considered her words very carefully.


Mei could only watch on for so long before she raised her hand sheepishly. "Um, Mr. Soleil, I'm sorry about her behaviour, as her teammate and friend I should have exercised more caution and caught her before anything had happened. Please don't blame everything on her." She dipped her waist in a deep bow as she apologised on Kiana's behalf.

"Da, Sister Mei is right. Subject Idiotka was much quicker than the Bronya nor Sister Mei to capture, we shall consider using more force in the future." Project Bunny deactivated its cloaked mode, emphaising the small girl's point.

He dropped his hands from Kiana's now blaring red cheeks as she sobbed. Placing a hand on top of her head, Soleil ruffled her hair as he addressed the two. 

"Don't go apologising like that, you'll get Kiana all upset if you don't stand up for her more. Besides, I know that this is just the way she is, but that doesn't mean that you should make it a habit, you got that missy?" He poked at her nose and turned back to Theresa, still fuming over the fact that she had to stand on her chair just to see over the top of it.  Her arms couldn't even reach over half of the furniture for crying out loud. 

"But Sol, it's been so long since you went on missions! OH, OH. You have to tell me all about them when we go back to our dorm! I bet you singehandedly completed them all before going back to base and eating the best food!" Her energy brought the atmosphere in the room up as the occupants all began smiling even brighter. Sol kept his hand on her head as she bounced around like an exciteable child.

"I got it, Kiana. I promise to spend some time with you after your classes are done, you're still within the exam period and needa focus up if you want to move up. I heard that there's a prodigy amongst you with an A-Rank Valkyrie in your class in fact." 

Kiana puffed her cheeks, crossing her arms and pouting. "I'm even better than she is, just you wait! I'll become the number 1 Valkyrie in no time!" 

Theresa coughed, grabbing the attention of the interacting siblings. She smiled as she watched the two bond after Soleil had graduated early, and was assigned amongst the best of the best within the organisation. To be completely frank, it was rather surprising to see him so soon after the message from Otto. 

"I know you two are catching up, but Kiana, you have some homework to do and I know since you've been avoiding them for some time now. And Soleil, you still need to head over to the guest rooms and unpack. I promise that you'll have plenty of time to talk more tomorrow, especially since it's the weekend." 

With a final hug and goodbyes, the trio of Valkyries bid their farewell and began their hike back to their dorm room. "Alrighty, I may as well head out too. Don't stay up too long, Aunty Teri, otherwise you won't grow any taller." 

The knight jogged out of the room, laughing all along as she began yelling at his back. That boy would be the death of her, she mused. Her gaze sharpened as she overlooked the documents of the doctors, a record of the Stigmata of Ruination, Soleil's own natural-born Stigma. 

It was only a matter of time that he would undergo Honkai Cascade from the accelerated corruption rate, and become the beast that he had sworn to destroy. 

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