Questions: Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir." Alec sighed and sat back down, mouthing sorry at you. You nodded, accepting his apology.

"What about you, greenie? Do you understand?" Gally took a few steps forward, invading your personal space. You took a defensive step back, but he kept moving. "I asked you a question, greenie. Do you understand?"

You nodded, but he pushed your shoulder.

"I asked you a question. Did you hear me? Do you understand?"

That's when the voices came.

The door is open.

Run for it.

Come out here.

With us.

You looked over at the open doors, framed with green ivy, luring you to escape all of this and simply run.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Gally poked your shoulder hard, forcing you to take another step back. As you did, your eyes met Minho's. He had seen you staring at the doors. Did he hear the voices, too? You thought it was just you...

"Greenie! I know you can hear me! Say something!" This time Gally pushed you entirely over. You fell on your back, with Gally towering over you, his eyes dancing with rage.

"That's enough, Gally!" Newt tried to intervene, but Gally pushed him away.

"I just want to hear them speak. Just one shucking word." He demanded, taking another step so he was literally standing on top of you, his foot on your chest. You choked and struggled as he pushed his weight down on your chest, only then realizing how dangerous your situation was.

"Gally, stop! You're hurting them!"

"I'm not hurting them, I'm pressuring them. That's all they need, a little pressure. Come on, greenie. Just one word. Just say one word."

Come... run to us.

We'll protect you.

We'll give you your voice back.

You looked over at the walls desperately, as the last of your air hissed from your throat in a hoarse, wordless whisper.

"What was that, slinthead?"


You gasped as you felt Gally being body-slammed off you, and you wiggled free. Standing, sputtering for air, you felt Alec's protective arms wrap around you. You leaned against him thankfully, watching Minho wrestling Gally on the ground in front of you.

Minho was on top, holding Gally down with his knees, trying to get a solid punch onto Gally's face. Gally, however, had both hands on Minho's shoulders, trying to push him off.

After a moment of struggling that seemed to last for hours, the Baggers jumped in to break up the fight. Alby showed up as well, instructing both Gally and Minho to be thrown in the slammer until further notice.

"The rest of you, get back to work."

You only caught the last part of Alby's speech because Alec grabbed your arm, pulling you away.

"Are you alright?" He whispered urgently. "I'm so sorry for what I said... I seem to get you in trouble a lot. I've only seen Gally like that a few times... he's punched a few guys here and there for sure, but he doesn't usually get that out of control..."

You tried to smile, but you felt like throwing up. You followed Alec blindly back to the shed, where you'd probably be for the foreseeable future. Gally was in the slammer, but his orders still stood. You and Alec had to work late and finish the shed.


You both turned to where three Baggers were running up.

"We heard Alec may have started the fight with Gally?" One of them asked.

You shook your head, and Alec said, "No way! I mean, I said some stuff, but I didn't do anything. The greenie here did most of it by not saying anything!"

You glared at him, and he shrugged, saying, "Well, it's true!"

"Either way, you'll need to come with us. Alby wants to talk about what happened. And since the greenie here won't talk, it's up to you."

"But I had to-"

"You can finish any jobs tomorrow."



"Ok... sorry, greenie. I'll see you tomorrow?"

You watched Alec walk off escorted by three Baggers. Then, you turned to the shed. It was nearly done, it just needed the rest of the roof put on, the inside insulated, sanded, and painted... You sighed, rolling up your sleeves. If you were going to work alone all night, you might as well get started. 

Questions: Gally x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now