Come With Me

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"Wake up." I whisper to him. "Servant. It's time to leave."
He shifts in his sleep, but his eyes remain closed.
"Nagito. We need to leave." His eyes opened, and he lifts his head. "I see, you actually respond to your name now." I reached out and touched his cheek.
"Ugh....don't call me that...I prefer the nickname you gave me." Nagito said groggily.
"We need to leave." I said again, this time with more urgency. " He might return at any moment." I looked down at the boy one more time. He was beyond beautiful. I could not resist trying to touch his face. "Come here." I whispered.
He sat up, moving closer to me. Without another thought, I reached out and kissed him. He was not resisting, if anything, he was almost demanding that I do it again. Our lips parted, and he looked down.
"That's all you're getting right now." I say, pulling him to his feet. "Come on, we need to leave."
"You're really coming with?" He asks with a smile as wide as his face.
"Yes, as long as we leave now." I lie to him. "Before he returns." I turn away from him as he strains to see me clearly again. With my hair tied back, and tucked into my shirt, I am pretty certain that he wouldn't notice, but I don't want to chance it. This may be my only chance to free him.
"I knew that my luck would change soon." He said, taking my hand. "It changed when I met you."
I take his hand and lead him out of the cell. "I'm glad to help." I said, feeling bad again for lying to him. He lifts his other hand to his eyes as we enter the hallway. The dim light hurting his eyes, after eight months of living in almost complete darkness. "Keep your eyes closed." I whisper. "I will lead you."

           Servant does as I ask, and allows me to lead him

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Servant does as I ask, and allows me to lead him. "I don't know how to thank you." He said quietly when he felt the light rain hit his face. Slowly removing the hand from his eyes. "Can I see your face now?" He asks quietly.
"Soon." I tell him. I can feel Izuru stirring, trying to reach the front once again. I feel resistance on the chain as I walk forward a little bit.

A gasp escapes his lips as I turn to face him. He backs away from me, shaking his head. "Where are you taking me?" He asks, his voice is as weak as a newborn kitten.
"There is no time to explain." I say lowering my eyes. "You need to run." I look him in the eyes now. "Get as far away from me as you can...quickly!" I dropped the chain, and turned away from him again. "I can't hold him back much longer...RUN!" I closed my eyes as I heard his footsteps on gravel getting softer the further he is away from me. "Live, Nagito." I said to myself, as I turned and walked back to the door.
"Little Mouse!" Izuru screamed from the back. "What have you done?"
"I'm sorry." I said. "It's better this way." I tell him, dropping to the floor crying as I felt myself losing control.


          So now you know.
         Not only did he meet me
          He also met you.

           How badly was I punished for that?

           Let me just say,
           I forced you to participate
           In more of my activities
           Without your
            Will to do so.

Why are you showing
This to me now?
What is your plan?

After today,
I want no more secrets

You are starting
To scare me.


Nagito laid awake, listening to Hajime breathing. Feeling contentment with every rise and fall of his chest. Only one thought kept him from sleeping. Towa City.  How could he go about looking this up? 

            "What are you thinking about?" Hajime said, looking over to him.  "You look so serious."
          "How would I go about looking up information on something." Nagito asked.  "Recent past....Like in the last three years?"
"There is always the Chiaki and Chihiro programs." Hajime said quietly. "Or....never mind." He looked away, as his words trailed off.
"Or what?" Nagito asked.
"Well, all of the most recent data has been incorporated into World Destroyer as well." Hajime said as if in deep thought. "Why are you asking all of a sudden?" He asked, even though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
"I don't want this hanging over my head forever." Nagito said quietly. "I really want to know what happened in Towa City."
"Then World Destroyer would be the answer." Hajime said quietly. "He is kind of straightforward though, he doesn't have the personality that the others do."
"That's ok." Nagito said smiling. "Now more hour. How should we spend it?" He pulled Hajime closer, still being careful of the leads. "I can think of a few things." He smiled, and kissed him softly. "Unfortunately, that is out of the question." 
           Hajime looked at him, giving his best sad face. "That's not fair."  He pouted.  "Let's just cuddle, then." He said wrapping his arms around his thin waist.  "Promise to at least try and eat. There is hardly anything to grab onto anymore."
          Nagito looked down, feeling a little rejected at the last remark. "I'm sorry...I really try to..." He was choking on his words. He was crying now, but he had no idea why.
           Hajime reached up, pulling him into a full hug. "I know, shhh....I'm sorry." He was cradling him in his arms now.  "Ko, you really need to take care of yourself." He whispered in his ear. "I can't go on without you."
          "Stop." Nagito said looking up, straight into his eyes.  "You know how unfair that is." He laid his head on Hajime's shoulder.  "I don't want to think about how miserable you will be without me."
         "But it's true." He felt Nagito stiffen in his arms. "I'm not trying to scare you." He said, keeping  his voice calm. "I know that you would rather not think about the future."
           Nagito sat silently, staring into space. "It only scares me because we both know that we might not have one." He said finally looking at Hajime. "Even if my health holds out, my luck might cause harm to you in return." He took Hajime's hand in his. "Either way, it's you who will be hurt."
"I will be fine." Hajime said kissing his hand. "I know the risks of loving you, Ko...And I accept them with my eyes open." He pulled him into a full hug again. "Please put your faith in that." He whispered.
"I just don't want to be the cause of any harm that comes to you." Nagito said, and kissed his neck.
"You don't get to decide that for me." Hajime said quietly. "I'm a big boy, I can handle it." He said cupping Nagito's face in his hands.
"Just promise me that you will tell me when it gets to be too much." Nagito said, tears falling onto his cheeks.
"If that ever happens...I promise." Hajime said. Kissing the tears off of his cheeks.
They sat like that for the rest of the hour. Arms wrapped around each other, watching the world pass by the window. Both of them dreading the inevitable end to their romance. Neither one willing to break the silence.

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