Chapter 9: Captured

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Y/n POV:

It has been a bit Kunikida, Dazai and Atsushi finally finished the whole kidnapping situation apparently Atsushi is quite powerful and more than before.

Guess what fucking Dazai's idea was?! To get kidnapped on purpose! He said exactly this.

"Chuuya would enjoy the extra company" and then we were off walking through some alleyways.

A small girl with dark blue hair wearing a kimono approaches us.

"Found you two" she whispers grapsing Dazai's jacket as streams of purple light emit from her.

"This doesn't look good" Both Dazai and i mutter at the same time.

Atsushi POV:

"Dazai is missing with Y/n too" I say worried.

"They are probably committing double suicide with eachother" Kunikida replies.

"Maybe he got himself in jail" Ranpo adds.

"Maybe he is asking a girl out!" Kenji plays with a pot plant.

"What if the Mafia attacked the two?" I ask still worried.

"The two are powerful" Kunikids awnsers.

"Even if they are both suicidal they are quite good" Kenji says.

"What Y/n is suicidal?" I question.

"She was found after a suicide attempt that's how we met Y/n" Ranpo explains.

"Well they are both-"

"I will help" Tanazaki interrupts.

"Really?" I question him with some sort of hope.

"Yeah it shouldn't be that big of a hastle" He smiles my way.


Doctor Yasona and I are both shopping I have a big pile of bags in my hand.

"Did you know Y/n was suicidal?" I ask her.

"Well she had attempted to commit suicide before we met her the reason she survived was because of me" Yosona explains.

"Yes but why?" I question.

"She was in a bad place only Dazai truly knows-"

I accidentally bump into someone dropping the bags.

"Sorry sir-"

He begins to yell at me as Yosona clears it all up with her sadistic ways and we get onto a train together.

Y/n POV:

"Woah woah shinju was hitori de wa dekinai~" Dazai and I sing together both of us chained to walls being help up by them.

"BAHA! I loved that when we were in the Mafia I hated it though when we are in the Agency because I didn't wanna sing along" I laugh.

Then someone comes down the stairs and I spot OUR FAVOURITE EMO... AKUTAGAWA!

He gets off of the phone and walks closer to the two of us.

"How about you two are you a player or a pawn to be used into its own inevitabe demise?" Akutagawa asks as I smile.

Akutagawa goes to launch his Rashomon at the two of us as he interrupts Dazai's amazing solo as it punctures my shoulder Dazai just actuvates his ability with a smirk.

"You know the fate of what happens to the people that are chained here?" Akutagawa asks.

"Yes it brings back memories!" Dazai responds happily.

"Your sins are grave" Akutagawa walls closer to Dazai and then he rambles on about Dazai's betrayal blah blah blah.

"I never got your story Y/n" Akutagawa turns to me.

"I was adopted by Odasaku he had died so I attempted to commit suicide he was the only reason I lived but when I met up with Dazai after rembering who he was now he and saving Yokohama are some of the reasons I don't just drop dead" I explain taking a deap breathe in and out at the end i don't want a painful death especially by Akutagawa's hands.

"That sounds stupid comming from a former exec-"

"You mean your superior right?" I ask as Dazai smiles.

Akutagawa then punches me in the face with full force as blood spills on the ground a slight smile on my face as Akutagawa cracks his knuckles.

"Look at you now. You were so difficult to train when you first started out you were such a slow learner. Then there's that useless ability of yours. Y/n was always much better." Dazai says as Akutagawa grinds his teeth together.

Akutagawa explains the Mafia's plan wich is amazing telling your enemy the plan.

"You really think that's going to work? My new apprentice is superior to you every way imaginable" Dazai smirks and then he gets punched by Akutagawa.


It has been awhile and Dazai yawns as new footsteps are heard.

"Plotting as usual are we?" An oddly familiar voice says.

"I know that voice" Dazai says annoyed.

"Well this is a pretty nice sight" The ranga smiles.

"Right Dazai?" He smirks.

"So creepy" Dazai deadpans.

"I like your reaction it makes me wanna strangle you" The ranga responds.

"Kinky" I add in and he turns to me.

"What I'm Gen Z what else did you expect?" I ask slightly annoyed as his concentration goes back to Dazai.

"Still as short as I remeber Chuuya" Dazai laughs.

Chuuya... Chuuya Nakahara king of the sheep ability the tainted sorrows! Now I remember!

They fight with eavhother and then Chuuya asks about his suicide obsession and Dazai ofcourse admits to being still suicidal. Chuuya grabs onto his hair pulling his head closer to him, gay idiots.

"What's your plan?" Chuuya asks him.

"My plans to die!" I add in with a smile, the two just ignore me.

Dazai and Chuuya continues to fight this is interesting seeing two gay men fight as I snap my fingers together loosening my restraints they still continue to fight.

Fucking Gay people.

I just lean back against the wall as they continue to fight. Should I help him? Nah. Chuuya raises a knife to his neck and questions him as Dazai responds to him. Ah so that's why he made me come for Atsushi wow.

"Actualy I was the youngest executive I was an executive at 13 but Mori didn't like me going in public ask him yourself" I add in as Chuuya looks furious but still ignores me so mean.

The two of them continue to be gay I don't pay attention to them as Dazai continues to be his smart self.

I learnt nothing about this the true reason why I came here was to learn about Dazai's past before we had met but nothing I knew he had a Ranga asshole short partner. Chuuya walks away and dazai cheers him on about something.

"Next time you won't be so lucky" He says in a feminine like voice.

I begin to laugh as Dazai stays silent about it.

"Atleast the kid laughed!" He yells.

"I'm 18 fuck wit!" I yell back as he storms off angrily.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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