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(A/n: I kinda posted one out of order I apologise sm and for that I will give you a thoughts of what the ADA reacted to y/n having a twin.)

Kunikida: I was surprised that Y/n didn't tell any of us but yet again she has been secretive since comming here and has only recently shown her emotions since Atsushi joined.

Ranpo: Ofcourse I knew that they were siblings! I knew it ever since she walked into the Agency for the first time.

Tanazaki: Well atleast Naomi and I aren't thr only siblings at the Agency anymore.

Yasano: It's nice to see Y/n blossom, with her brother even if she doesn't do it too often.

Kenji: I'm happy that they have reunited and Y/n is happy now!

(A/n: Thats it but to be a loving author that totally didn't publish things in the wrong order again I am so so so sorry!)

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