Chapter 2: We Meet Again

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Y/n POV:

It's the next day Im outside the Agency after a shopping trip for Yarsona's new medical equipment, Dazai some more bandages, some more snacks for Ranpo and some new pens for Kunikida.

Dazai never told me this boys name all he said was his ability reminded it of mine, he has told me that before with somone... I still feel guilty for leaving him behind.

I get the message from Dazai that he has been accepted in so I enter the Agency and climb up the stairs and open the door I am met by Tanazaki, Naomi, Kunikida, Dazai and some of our office workers they all cover the new member.

"I'm back" I hum as everyone turns around to look at me.

"Ahh meet our new member Atsushi-"

"Atsu?" I question my eyes widen and I look at the boy my twin that I had to leave at the Orphanage as I was kicked out at such a young age.


The headmaster kicks my side making my cough as Atsushi lies next to my bruises across his body.

"Leave before you cause more pain." The headmaster spits and I quickly get up from lieing on the ground.


I drop the shopping bags and run up to Atsushi hugging him. "I'm sorry for leaving you!" I cry out tears running from.. my face everyone confused.

"N/n... no this can't be you" Atsushi says as I continue to cry he returns the hug.

"I finally found you" I smile holding Atsushi tightly.

"You two know eachother?" Kunikida questions.

"Now that I think about it his last name did sound familiar" Dazai says.

Kunikida still confused Dazai knowing exactly, what is happening as I had told him stories about me and Atsushi when we were kids and how I wanted to meet him again.

After finishing the hug and wiping away the remaining tears. "Kunikida my last name is Nakajima" I tell him.

"So you two are siblings?" He questions.

"Twins" Atsushi corrects him smilling.

"How come you never told us Y/n?" Naomi whines.

"Never asked." I tell her.

"We didn't ask for a reason" Tanazaki mumbles then Kunikida hits him.

"We agreed not to talk about that!" Kunikida gets mad at him.

"Its fine Kunikida we all have pasts we would like to forget" I say looking over at Dazai.

"We sure do Y/n" dazai says calmly getting what I ment.


Tanizaki Atsushi and I are sitting at a booth down at the Cafe as Kunikida and Dazai are sitting up at the bench.

"I'm sorry I know it was for a test but I was still really rude to you I'm sorta an assistant here at the Agency, can you ever forgive me?" Tanazaki apologises to Atsushi.

"Its fine" Atsushi says smilling.

They talk about Naomi and Tanazaki's relationship I don't listen though because it feels weird those two being siblings and all, but it is better not to get into it.

Kunikida talks to Atsushi about how it is being an Agency member and how he works to give the Agency a good name.. and ofcourse Dazai is asking the waitress if she wants to do a double suicide with him.

Tiger's Twin 《BSD insert Fem reader》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant