Larry coming out

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Thank you for this amazing idea raluca_28_
Hope you like it!!

3rd person POV:

"One hour left boys." Someone from the team said to Harry & Louis who were cudding on couch backstage not caring about anything but each other trapped in their own world.

"This is it, love. Last few moments." Louis said looking at the man he loves so much. Harry didn't reply but leaned forward to join their lips together.

"I can't wait." Harry said truthfully as he pulled back looking into the blue eyes he loves. "Gem & mum will be here soon. So I will have to go to get them. Also the girls will be here. So we have just few minutes left before the rascals are here."

"Want to get out of the room or just stay here?" Louis asked as he played with the younger boy's hair. The boy purred as he leaned into the touch with his eyes closed. "Let's just stay here." Louis hummed, his hand still in Harry's hair.

Both boys just enjoyed the silence while it lasted which wasn't long as the door slammed open as their family filled the room. Both boys finally got up from couch to greet them.

"Hey girls. Travelling wasn't so bad, was it?" Louis said hugging his sisters. "Hey little lad." He said as he picked up his little brother up. "Hey Gem, Anne." He said hugging both of them as good as he can with Ernest in his hands.

"I'm so proud of both of you. You both have come so far. Jay is proud too." Anne said with tears in her eyes. Tears filled Louis' eyes too, he placed his brother down & hugged Anne again. "Thank you so much for being here." He whispered. They pulled apart when they heard loud laughs.

They turned to see Harry carrying both younger twins while spining them around while older girls laugh with them. "Hazza, you know you are just clumsy as it is why are you spining around with my siblings with you. Put them down." Louis said laughing as he took both of them down from Harry's arm. And then placed his hand on Harry's shoulder when he felt Harry getting dizzy.

"Lou, you excited for today then?" Daisy asked. "Yeah, just a little bit nervous too but more excited. Can't wait for today's show." Louis said as Harry rubbed his back softly & Louis leaned into his touch.

Both families spend last few minutes before they had to go to their seats. They left but not without wishing both of the boys a good luck.

"Still no doubts?" Harry asked as he tooked down at Louis who was laying in his arms. "Nope, you?" "Definitely not" Harry said leaning down to place a soft kiss on his forehead, "Come on. You have to get ready for the show." "Yeah, yeah. See you soon, babycakes." "Very soon, sweetcheeks." Louis chuckled & kissed Harry deeply before getting out of the room.

Harry, too, got up after checking his phone for last time, seeing the fans excited for the show. They never failed to amaze the boys, they never stopped believing & supporting the boys. Never.

He got to backstage when he heard the intro music start. He saw Louis getting hyped up while talking to someone from the crew. "Good luck babe" Harry whispered just before Louis would get on stage. Louis turned around & gave him a sunshine smile & stepped on stage, hearing the loud screams of the fans. He smiled to himself as he heard Louis sing the first line of the first song.

"Wish that you could build a time machine...."
louis' word being low with every fans shouting the lyrics. Harry watched with smile, every fan enjoying themselves, singing from their hearts without any hesitation or fear.

He watched Louis interacting with crowds, flipping people off & chuckling when watching the fans do the same to him, fans having many pride flags waving proudly, watching weird, weird signs of the fans & just everyone enjoying themselves.

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