Episode 3

53 13 15

After a while...
Andy reached her home. She was quite angry. So she directly went her room. And opened her jacket and throw it on the bed.

Andy (angrily) : how dare he kiss me?? If I get you again then I won't leave you. Idiot...

Then she went for shower. After sometime she came out from shower. And sits on the bed. She took a book and started reading it. But she was continuously thinking about the kiss and gets irritated.

Andy (irritating) : uff... What the hell!!

Then she lay down and cover her with a blanket.

At li mansion...
At Alex's room...
He was standing in the balcony. Looking at the sky and thinking about Andy.

Alex : who is that girl?? Don't know but she was really cute. I wish I could meet her again.

A smile comes his lips.
Next day...
At Andy's room...
Mr lin went her room.

Mr lin : Andy today won't you go your university??

Andy : no dad. Today I won't go.

Mr lin : but why??

Andy : dad please. I don't want to go. My mood isn't good.

Mr lin : Okay as you wish. But are you fine??

Andy : hmm... I am fine. Don't worry.

Mr lin (smiling) : Okay. Then take care yourself. Bye.

Andy (smiling) : bye.

Mr lin leaves.
At university...

Asli : why Andy isn't coming yet??

Then she called her but she doesn't picked her call. She called her many times but no response.

Asli : really this girl... Uff...

Then she went in the classroom.
At Afternoon...
In fan mansion...
Someone rings the bell. After sometime a maid came and opened the door.

Maid : Asli mam.

Asli : where is Andy??

Maid :Andy mam is still in her room. Don't know what happened?? She didn't came out from her room till morning.

Asli : what??

Maid : yeah.

Asli : Okay. I'm going her room.

Then she went Andy's room and knocked the door.

Asli (loudly) : Andy open the door.

After sometime she opened. Asli went inside.

Asli : what is this Andy?? Why didn't you came university today??

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