She turned to him and gave him a smile, shaking her head.

"No, actually I've never been to a mini-golf and I've always wanted to ! Victor always said it was childish and that since we could afford to do real golf we didn't need to do that.. I really like it hun'." She said, pinching his cheek.

He let out a small breath, make her chuckle.

"No need to get all shy and nervous, it's only me !" She tried to reassure him.

"Yeah but I wanna live up to your standard because if I don't-"

"If you're not gonna be yourself tonight you better drive me back home right now.. I know how you live honey, I know what you do in life and that's what I like, so don't stress yourself out, okay ?"

He gave her a small smile and nodded, earning a small kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, let's go."


"How the hell can you be a bougie bitch and not know how to play golf ?" Taehyung snorted, watching Alina get slowly frustrated.

"Fuck you." She turned to him, eyebrows lightly furrowed.

He chuckled, kissing her forehead.

They've been playing for around an hour now, and Alina kept missing while Taehyung was clearly winning.

He sipped on a can of coke he bought at a vending machine, holding her sparkling water on his other hand.

"Aww, you can't play golf for shit~" He teased her. "Why are you paying country club for 'Lina ?"

"Make fun of me and promise I won't miss your balls with this." She said, only making him laugh harder.  "And I'm only interested in the tennis over there."

"So you're a sore loser ?"

"It's your face that's sore."

He was honestly having the time of his life teasing her, loving her reactions.

He threw away his empty can of coke as she angrily sipped on her sparkling water, Taehyung trying his best not to laugh.

"Now don't act like you don't like my face." He said, squeezing her cheeks again to peck her lips.

She slapped his hand away from her face, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, it's your turn."

"I'll show you how it's done." He answered with a wink, making her roll her eyes yet again.

He positioned himself and gently hit the ball, sending it towards the hole.

But just as it was about to get in, it slid on the corners of the hole and rolled away, a scoff heard from Alina behind him as embarrassment took over him.

"How it's done huh ?" She raised a brow.

"Shut up bougie bitch, it's my first loss."

"And I'm the sore loser ? The vein on your forehead is about to pop out of your skin." She said, amused.

"It's because I kissed you, you put your unluckiness on me." He answered.

"Sure baby, keep telling yourself that."

"Act shocked when I'll drop you for a college girl." He jokingly said, looking at her up and down.

"Act shocked when you'll get bad head." She answered in a sarcastic tone.

He put his arm on her shoulders, pulling her towards him to kiss her temple.

"Just kidding, I wouldn't drop you and especially for a college girl.. I'm good with my almost-thirty bab-"

"Do not remind me." She cut him off, putting her hand over his lips as she turned her head to face him.

He gave her hand little bites to make her move it, laughing.

"You're thirty 'Lina~" He teased her.

"Boy I will smack some sense back into you if you ever say that I'm thirty again." She said, flicking his forehead.

"Don't worry you still look something like.. Twenty-one, twenty-two."

"I know I'm fine." She answered cockily.

He only chuckled at that, both of them staring at each other silently, Taehyung's arm wrapped around her waist.

Still without a word, he leaned on her face and pressed his lip against her.

Not for a peck, a real kiss this time.

Her hands wrapping around his neck, kind of cheesy but even one of her leg lifted from the ground, eyes closed as they kissed, softly, slowly, gently, sounds of completed stages in the background.

He held her by the waist, the tip of his fingers slowly caressing her lower back one top of her clothes.

When they separated their lips he didn't let go of her, instead just pulling her up to her feet and making her twirl, giggles escaping her lips.

"Stop, stop put me back down.." She said, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah you're right, that ass is heavy."

She glared at him as she met the floor again, holding onto his arm to help her dizziness.

"Now, should I humiliate you and your poor golfing abilities some more ?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Fuck you, you just missed it." She said in disbelief.

"And how many did you miss 'Lina ?.. Oh I'm sorry, I think how many you've got right would be easier to calculate."

She only rolled her eyes at him, making him laugh as he pinched her cheek.

"You're so adorable sugar." He said with a chuckle.

"Yeah you're an asshole."

He wrapped an arm around her neck, kissing her forehead under her grunts of disapproval.

"Wanna go eat something ?" He asked, trying to save himself from being violated with a golf club.

She pecked his lips again, humming.

It wasn't difficult to see that she was slowly getting obsessed with him, not quite literally but still.

She was slowly becoming clingier, feeling a constant need to touch him or see him.

She was falling in love.





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