Season 1 - Part 4

Beginne am Anfang

Rayla: Why are you so interested in magic, anyway?

Callum: Because if I can do magic then I might as well learn as much as I can to get stronger!

He said as his tail wagged about in excitement.

Rayla: You are so weird.

Callum: I get a lot.

He says before hoisting Ezran onto his shoulders and ran through the forest.

Ezran: Let's go!

Rayla: Hey, wait a minute! Ugh! Why is this happening to me?

She says before running after them.

After an hour or so, they finally made it to the Banther Lodge.

Callum: Hey, we made it!

He said as Rayla caught up with them, smacking Callum's tail.

Callum: Agh! Hey! Easy with the tail, please!

He yelled in pain as he gently rubbed his tail with his hands.

Rayla: That's for making us run to this death trap.

Callum: Oh come on! I already told you that no one's here! See? Nobody's here!

He said as Rayla looked around.

Rayla: Whatever, just tell me what the cube looks like and where it is. I'll be in and out as quickly as possible.

Callum: Or we can just go up to the door!

He said, having walked ahead about halfway to the lodge without Rayla noticing.

Rayla: Hey! Don't just walk ahead of me!

She said as she ran up to the princes as they continued walking up to the front door.

Callum: You don't gotta be paranoid, Rayla. There's no one around for miles, except for us.

Ezran: That's weird . . .

Callum: What is?

Ezran: That no one's here. I mean, this is the place dad was sending us. So shouldn't there be guards here to protect us?

Rayla: . . . I knew it! We're walking straight into a trap!

Callum: Hey, come on! Everyone just calm down! Like I said, there's no one arou-

He was cut off as he heard a horn blowing in the distance. They looked to see at least ten armored soldiers on horseback, heading towards the lodge.

Rayla: You were saying, tailed prince?

Ezran: Quick, Rayla, get inside the lodge and hide upstairs!

Rayla opened the front doors and closed them shut as she ran up the stairs, leaving Callum & Ezran to face the soldiers.

Ezran quickly hides the egg in his bag just as they got up close.

A woman, who seemed to be the leader, steps up and takes off her helmet before smiling at the princes.

Callum & Ezran: Aunt Amaya!

They yelled out in unison as they rushed to give their aunt a big hug.

A freckled, ginger haired man stood by Amaya's side as he spoke for the general as her sign language interpreter.

Gren: I'm so glad you're safe.

Callum: Well of course we're safe! Nobody's messing with us when I've got your training, Aunt Amaya!

He said, punching the air. Amaya then used sign language again.

[Rewrite] What If Callum was Half Saiyan?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt