Chapter 4

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We sat there in the waiting room of the hospital, nervously fiddling with our fingers. I shuffled back and forth, staying close to the vending machine. I tend to drink a lot when I'm nervous.

Finally, a doctor called and guided us around to the side of the desk. "Sean and Sam McLoughlin, correct?" He wrote on his clipboard.

"Y-Yes," Dad stuttered, clearing his throat. "Yeah."

"I'm afraid Autumn may have a severe case of osteosarcoma, but we successfully amputated her leg so the cancer won't spread anywhere else-"

"Thank you!" Dad beamed, barely out of breath. Relief washed over me. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem. She will, however, have to spend a couple days or even weeks at a nursing home to recover the loss of her leg." The doctor continued.

"Okay." Dad nodded. I could tell his bright blue irises were still full of worry.

"We'll deliver her to the Shannon Lodge nursing home in Roscommon, the nursing home closest to Athlone. I apologize for the inconvenience."

"I've been alive for 40 years and they still haven't built a nursing home here?" Dad ranted.

"I agree, but we're not construction workers. The drive is about an hour, so it shouldn't be that bad." He handed Dad a form.

"Good," Dad folded the paper in half and handed it to me. "Hold on to that, will ya?"


It was 12:30 PM by the time we returned home. I didn't realize how tired I was until I sat down on the couch.

"What a relief..." Dad sighed. "She might have lost her leg, but she didn't lose her life."

I didn't say anything. I glared at the papers from last night. "...Autumn McLoughlin is diagnosed with a severe case of osteosarcoma," it bitterly stated. I couldn't take it anymore, I crumpled it up.

"Sam, what are you doing?" He scolded.

I shoved it in my pocket. "What?"

"You crumbled the documents! We need those."

"I don't care," I snarled. "Besides, all we need is that form the doctor gave you."

Dad frowned. "Sam, I know you're angry. If cancer was a person, I'd punch them all day if I could, but if you just act bitter and sour, what good will that do?"

"So what?" I stomped up to my room. He's not making me feel better.

My phone buzzed, showing a notification from Ethan.

[Ethan: How come you didn't answer my texts earlier?] he messaged.

Oh no, he texted me? 28 times? It's only been 6 hours, what the hell?

[Sam: You're too clingy sometimes, y'know?]

[Ethan: I didn't mean to come off as too attached...]

[Sam: BS]

[Ethan: I'm sorry, what's your problem?]

Dad, now Ethan? Ugh.

[Sam: C'mon, you can handle 6 hours without me. If I don't answer, I'm probably busy, okay?]

[Ethan: Whatever. See ya in 4 hours.]

I shut off my phone and violently tossed it on my bed. What's with everyone?

"Sam?" Dad knocked on my door.

"Leave me alone," I tried to sound polite, but it ended up coming off as aggressive. "I want to be alone."

"Fine, if you want lunch, I made you grill cheese, your favourite. It'll be downstairs. Eat it while it's still hot."

My stomach grumbled. The thought of melted cheese and crunchy toast in my mouth made me drool. I gave in and came back downstairs.

Even after some food, I still felt furious. The only way to drain it is if I smashed some drums and snares. Of course, Dad didn't want me to play his drumset, he always blabbers on about how valuable it is and how he had it since he was sixteen. But I will admit, I did practice a lot whenever he wasn't home.

I snuck downstairs to the basement and dodged the piles of boxes and dusty books. I made my way to a red drumset with a flaming skull pasted on the big main drum.

I heard Dad shuffling upstairs, talking on the phone with family members. When he was out of earshot, I picked up the two wooden sticks and lightly tapped the snare. This is going to be fun.

Before I started playing, a videotape labeled "Risen From The Ashes" sat, hiding under some papers. I took it, maybe a little peek at some of Dad's band days won't harm anyone.

I shoved the tape into the player below the flatscreen TV. Hopefully this works.

To my luck, a slideshow appeared with some music. Throughout the video, I spotted Dad several times with relatively long hair with no beard. He also had black little loops in his ears. I always saw pictures of Dad, but I was shocked at how good of a drummer he was, and how good-looking he was. No wonder Autumn fell for him.

"Sam?" Dad called.

I quickly stopped the video and powered off the T.V. "What?"

"Are you playing Risen From The Ashes?"

I gulped. "No, Dad you're going crazy. Must be the age."

I heard a chuckle, then silence. I assumed he went to go off and sort some papers or something.

An idea popped in my head- if I could convince Dad I could play Risen From The Ashes on drums, surely he'd allow me to practice whenever I want. And he'll be extremely proud of me. Extremely proud. At least I hope so...

Might as well start practicing until Ethan shows up.


"Wanna go get some popcorn? The show starts in 10 minutes." Ethan questioned, parking his car.

"Yeah, can you get it? Sorry." I don't feel like going anywhere.

"Sure, I'm paying anyway." He gripped the two $20 bills in his hand. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Meanwhile, I decided to text April.

[Sam: Hey April.]
[April: Hi, I thought you were at the movies with Ethan?]
[Sam: I am, Ethan went to get food]
[April: What a gentleman.]
[Sam: Don't get any ideas.]
[April: Lol, have you seen the way he looks at you?]

I groaned. I'll just play stupid.

[Sam: What?]
[April: He likes you :3]
[Sam: I'm not looking for a romantic interest.]
[April: He seems to be looking for one.]
[Sam: That's him, not me.]
[April: Oh c'mon, Sam. First year of high school and no boyfriend?]
[Sam: Yes, and I'd like to keep it that way.]

I glanced in the rearview mirror for Ethan. As expected, he was heading this way with a tray of soda and popcorn, along with a bag of Skittles.

[April: You're no fun :c]
[Sam: Gotta go, show's starting in 3 minutes and Ethan's back.]
[April: Have fun tonight, you two lovebirds! ;D]

"What's that?" Ethan questioned as he got in the car, staring at my phone.

"Oh, nothing-" I quickly blushed, scrambling my phone in my pocket. Another embarrassing moment.

He raised an eyebrow, but handed me my soda and bag of popcorn. "Okay..."

Within 10 minutes of the first movie, we moved up on top of the car's hood. It was a nice and cool September night, perfect for hoodies and jeans. But no matter how nice the weather is, how great the movie is, the way Ethan cuddles with me to "keep me warm" (which I really liked, honestly), my mind keeps tracing back to Mom. I know she's okay. She's a tough cookie, the stories she's told me amaze me. I can't imagine growing up with parents like that, or living with the fact she's been harassed more than once. She's okay... but the feeling in my gut won't go away. Somehow, someday, something horrible is going to happen. I just know it.

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