Chapyer 17: What's to come?

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*Bonus chapter*

It was another pleasent morning in Phoenix with the Sun at its brightest. They were back to their worlds. Sounds, not right, right? Well, almost everything sounded 'not right' in the past few days to them, especially to Lily and Jack. Imagining a magical world is okay, imagining doing magic feels amazing as well as imagining your death sound terrifying yet harmless. But visiting a magical place, doing magic in practical and actually dying in a painful manner and getting revived later is totally out of the line and out of the mind.

Anyway, it has been a week since their 'little' adventure came to an end and only four day left for their summer break to come to an end. At least they cannot deny that they had an exceptional and unforgettable vacation, you know what I mean. Like, how many people get to visit a secret world, hidden from the world we see everyday? And obviously not to mention, getting destructive energy powers as a return gift.

Well, everything and everyone was doing quite well lately with everything back to normal. Lily was back with her studying, painting, reading as well as catching up with friends.

Jack too, was getting well caught up with his friends and studies and was back to his music world with his band.
Luna as well was back with her chores, and spending quality time with herself and her daughter.

Brandon and Beatrice were also getting on with their official works completely fine, without having to qorry about Lily and Jack.

Everything was going on perfectly well. But that day, when she was sitting on her chair, behind her study desk, doing her homework, something caught her eyes. And that something were some letters on the Ryitus which was kept in the cornor of her study desk with the Accalia's gifted coin on top.

She pushed the coin aside and picked it up and slowly gave it a read in her mind. It was most probably from Accalia which said, “It is not the end. There is more to come.” And just then the coin glowed with a bright, white light.

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