Chapter 16: United Once More (Part 2)

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After crossing the barrier, they were now back on the vast land of the burning desert. Lily was now leading them towards the ‘only’ cactus in the entire desert. After a long, tiring walk with frequent quenching of thirsts, they reached it. Lily and Jack did what they did before. When the stone Hourglass came out and the sand was drained, Lily touched the glass which once again turned to dust and now she was ready to place it back in the box.

At last she could get rid of what changed her life forever. It was like a great burden was taken away from her shoulder. She felt free. While placing the pen in the box, she whispered to it, “Goodbye, you little disaster.” and she kept it there, successfully. There was no repulsion this time and no worries. And they reversed the mechanism.

“At last, it's all done.” Lily said with a heavy sigh.

“Indeed. I feel quite happy that I was of some help to you all, to be a part of this crazy insane journey.” Ahens said.

“Well, we still have a part of this journey left.” said Accalia. “To Home.”
“Well before we move, I've got a question.” Lily said.

“Ask away.”

“Can the Verum be used again?”

“No. All five turns are over.”

“So, it is technically.... Useless now?”

“Why, kind of. But it is an artefact. Though it was never used until now, it was just being a ‛museum piece’ for two thousand nine hundred and ninety-four years.”

“Wow, that's a big number.” Jack commented.

Accalia chuckled, “That is, which means these artefacts are here from 975 B.C.”
“Now that's spell-bounding!” Lily exclaimed. “Can't imagine this place being that old.”

“There's a lot of time to admire this place, but for now we need to go home.” said Accalia. “There is a surprise waiting for you both.” She winked with a smile and they disapparated to the beginning of their journey.

“Lily? Want to do the honours for the last time?” Accalia asked.

“Sure.” Lily said. “Better to end this together.” She looked at Jack who nodded back and they casted the defensive shield. And with a glow of light, they stepped back to the outskirt of Waldora.

Looking at the vast landscape, both Lily and Jack felt like they were back home. Lily exhaled heavily when she heard someone call Accalia’s name. Looking at that way, they Matilda running towards them. They all speedily walked towards her.

“Matilda. It is nice to see again.” said Lily.

“Oh, Lily! Good to see you alive.” Matilda exclaimed. “So everything went as planned it seems. What about Impraedo?”

Lily’s face fell and Accalia noticed that. She said, “We have a lot to tell you. And this is evidently not the place and time.”

“Indeed. Yes. Let’s get going. You all must be too tired to stand.” They started walking towards the palace. “Do you know you were gone for three days?”

“Three days?!” they both exclaimed.

“I didn’t even feel anything. No tiredness, no hunger.” Jack said.

“Me neither.”

“No one knows how time works in there. It is actually irrelevant and as the atmosphere remains same all the time, it is even harder to tell. Moreover, no one has ever spent this long span of time in the realms.” They walked and they reached the market place. It was morning time and people were busy with their works with fresh energy.
They entered the palace and parted with Ahens on the way. Now they were heading to… not to their room coz the were walking on the different floor.

“Where are we going exactly?” Jack asked.

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