Chapter 16: United Once More (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

“To the Living Hall.” Matilda answered and without further questioning they walked through the decorated corridors to a lavish, grand door where two guards resided who opened the gate for them. They entered into an opulent room with lavish, huge, white pillars. That room had every kind of royal luxury one can ever have.

They could hear indistinct chattering of people from the door. Entering further in with tiredness, when they were to sit on the couch, they became shell-shocked all of a sudden.

There, sat on a pair of couches, were Jack’s parents, Brandon and Beatrice as well as Lily’s mother, Luna. They too, were stunned to see them back. Luna, Brandon and Beatrice ran to them to give them a tight hug. Lily and Jack were still muddled about the situation yet pushing the thought aside they gave in the long, warm hug. How blissful moment that was! Accalia and Matilda smiled from the side, seeing them having a beautiful family moment.

Despite the happiness of the seeing their parents again, there still hovered a confusion as for how they were here and to erase it Accalia elaborated, “It does not seem like it but one day here is 33 hours in your world. You stayed here for two days and next afternoon you left for the realms. That’s when Matilda suggested with the idea to bring them in. and I totally approved it as they must be super worried about you both.”

“We actually were.” Beatrice said. “The first and the second day went very rough for us worrying about you two. We constantly phoned Ben.”

Remembering their excuse, Jack asked, “What did he say to you?”

“Oh, of course you made up lines of excuse.” Brandon spoke up. “After a point of time we sensed he was hiding something, but before we could further investigate, we were brought here and then everything became clear to us.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Sanders came to me to know the whereabouts of you, if I knew any.” Luna said looking at Lily. “I have phoned you like over a twenty time in all. In the end, finding no other way, we were ready to bring the cops in in this matter… when three black-cloaked men knocked on the door and-”

“-and told us that they knew where you were.” Beatrice finished her sentence. “And Your Highness herself came to pick us up.”

“Had to perform some magic. As calculation says, it was three and a half days for them without you. And even if they don’t get to see you instantly, if they at least understood the scenario they might worry less. And later that day, we had a… whole lot of descriptive conversation and now they know everything and… they seem to be loving it. and indeed we trust them with our little secret… this little kingdom.”

“It is very safe with us; I can assure you Your Highness. We won’t ever want the peace of this magnificent place to get destroyed.” said Brandon and the ladies agreed.

“It’s really good to see you all united once more.” Matilda cheered.
“Make yourselves at home. And there’s going to be a ceremony tonight at the Central Hall for a historic event of Waldora. You all are invited to it.” Accalia smiled and left them be. Lily excused herself and ran behind Accalia and called her out. Jack followed her. “You left me there with few questions.”

“Ask away.”

“Well… firstly, did you tell my mum about my powers?”

“No, none of yours. That’s for you to tell.”

Lily nodded seriously, “And secondly, what magic were you talking about? You said you had to-”

“Yes, about that. I casted a temporary spell on them, to make their aura, a magical one. Since Cassandra does not allow normal humans to access though it so I had to do it.”

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