"Well how did you know?"

"My spidey-sense," I roll my eyes as we get to the front of the bus, walking off and onto a street of New York.

I love New York.

The metropolitan museum of art stands in front of us and I groan. Seriously?

Why couldn't we have gone to the natural history museum? Surely it would have been more fun than this shit.

The teacher explains how we all get given a group of eight people, and with them we have to go around the museum finding different art pieces.

Letting out a deep sigh, I stalk over to Leo and Astrid as the teacher begins calling out the group names.

"Enjoy your sleep?" Astrid questions, smirking at me as I roll my eyes.



"That's a huge lie!" Leo laughs, clapping his hands together. But he stops when the teacher calls out his name.

"Leo Davis, Astrid Jones, Brielle Yves, Maddie and Ryen, Lucas Driver and Grayson Valente. Oh and Ben Yves."

I can hear Ben cheer but then stop after he realises that Maddie and Ryen are in our group.

Oh great.

"You are team Cupid! Congratulations."

Lawson decided to name all groups after Santa's reindeer seeing as Christmas is only a couple weeks away.

"I don't even think one of Santa's reindeers was called Cupid right?" Maddie giggles, taking a hold of the sheet.

"It is you dumbass," Astrid snaps, twirling a braid around her finger, a gold ring reflecting in the sunlight.

Gold compliments her skin nicely.

"Oh right! I'm so stupid," Her and Ryen giggle for a moment as the three boys slowly walk over to us.

A displeased look is clear on Grayson's face as he stands in front of us, crossing his arms over his chest.

A shiver errupts over my entire body, I should have worn something more warm seeing as it's fucking freezing out here.

Grayson notices me, standing here like an idiot, hugging myself to keep warm and shiver- ing every two minutes. His eyebrows raise as his lips pull out in the smallest frown.

He's probably used to the cold since he always plays hockey on an ice arena. I don't know if that means it's actually cold, but I'm guessing so.

Within a second he's reaching over his head and pulling the hoodie off. He chucks it at my face and I nearly suffocate with it on mine. It's so big and heavy.

"Wear it, your cold," Gray says calmly, but in a tone that means do it or I'll put it on for you.

Doing as he says, I pull the hoodie over my head and smile at him. He watches it drop down below my waist and grins.

Brielle Where stories live. Discover now