🌼 Sayori 🌼

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Name: Akari Sayori

Gender: Female

Age: 26 years old

Nationality: Japanese

Sexuality: Demiromantic, asexual

Occupation: College student

Employment: Hotel housekeeper

Hobbies: Eating, posting on social media, writing fictional stories, botany, participaing in charity programs, playing tenisball, watching anime


⊹ Akari Ichigo 'aunty': Her aunt. They live together. Her aunt has her custody due to her parents migrating from the country -because of debts-. They love each other so much that they might have an emotional dependence with each other. Her aunt loves Sayori very very much, but sometimes she feels like that feeling isn't reciprocated. Share a common interest in botany.

⊹ Mr. and Ms. Akari: They escaped from debt. Made a new family in other country. They miss Sayori. No more information available at the moment.

⊹ 'MC': Childhood friends. They mostly just chat online or have phone calls. Play videogames together. Share a common interest in anime. They act goofy to cheer the other. They came out -you know from where- together. She might have a crush on him, but who knows.

⊹ Watanabe Natsuki: Best friend. They share most of their time together talking about TV shows and cartoons. They help each other with school tasks and chores -even cooking-. She views her like a little sister. Sayori talks about how cool Natsuki is a lot...too much.

⊹ Salvato Monika: Her boss (kind of). They sometimes chat and joke around. They only talk when there's almost no one in the same room as them. Share a common feeling of wanting to protect their loved ones. Vent relationship.

⊹ Yamamoto Yuri: Co-workers. Met though Natsuki. They sometimes cross paths during work, but they'll usually just say 'hi' and then continue in the opposite directions. Sometimes they exchange food -secretly-. No more information available at the moment.

General description:

Sayori has short peachy/salmon hair. Her eyes are light blue and there's always a smile on her face. She suffers from a disease that doesn't allow her hair to grow -very few people know this-. When she was little, she had long hair, but one morning she woke up and she found hair strands on her pillow, she still had enough hair to cover her head -except for one small spot-. They soon learned about her disease. There's a very small bald spot on her head, so she will normally use a ribbon, a bow or a hat to cover her head. Her body is smaller than the majority of the women of her age, so she gets mistaken to be as young as Natsuki -but she isn't-.

Her parents escaped from debt, but they left their daughter with her aunt. Sayori knows the whole story, she even knows that they have made a new life in Europe -with a home, a job, children, pets...-. She sometimes misses them, but she's gratefull of having her aunt supporting her.

Sayori and her aunt almost never fight, they love each other very much. Though sometimes Sayori feels really blue and locks herself in her room. Her aunt pampers her a lot but Sayori denies her efforts. This has created some kind of tension around them. Her aunt feels like her niece is fed up with her presence and will try to being so close to her. On the other hand, there's Sayori, she doesn't feel like she deserves that amount of love and will feel guilty for being loved so much; her aunt ignoring her makes her believe that she's an annoyance to everyone and will have [REDACTED] and even consider doing such thing...

She met a boy of her age that helped her aunt clean the house. He was called 'MC' and they became good friends. Even though he doesn't go to her house anymore -to clean- they stayed in touch. They watched anime until they gave up to sleep and recitated poems with exagerated gestures, so Sayori started liking poetry in a no ironic way -which 'MC' didn't-. 'MC' gave her a small tree, that they planted together -it's still alive-, that's when Sayori developed a passion for botany and plants.

In school she was known for being a teachers pet. She would always behave and have high scores, but after her disease was detected, she became kind of paranoic and anxious. Some students would laugh about her bald spot by hiding her bows, but she was well liked among the school faculty that they always defended her from bullies.

When she entered to highschool, she soon postulated to be a member of the student council, and thanks to her academic record, she was accepted. During her second year, she started to notice a pink student that was a troublemaker. But after a certain incident is that she decided to interfiere and guide her to be better.They started to hang around more and became good friends. She finally had someone to share her interests.

She currently studies college and is taking a teacher career. She's good at her classes and is quite popular, but she will always return back home and have long phone calls with her closest friends.


Sayori's backstory, huh?

This is all headcannons. It's not real.

Suicide is the easy way...and I'm lazy.

Jk never do that, please.

Take care. 

I love you all who read this garbage-fic (even though none of you follow me).


At first sight (Natsuri fanfic AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin