Jake Sim

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"Jake, my self proclaimed 'summer flee' even tho you and I have no relationship whatsoever, you got my heart in your pocket during summer, I was all about you during that one month but I think I did quite a good job hiding that yea?."

"Don't cause any trouble there yea? And make sure to be nice to the councillors too." "Yea mom, I'm not a kid anymore I won't burn the whole camp down or something" You reassured your mom for what felt like the hundredth time,"Come back home safely, love you."
"Love you too, mom."

Youth summer camp has never been your cup of tea, so is summer to be exact, you are sweaty and the weather is humid, and you don't find the thought of spending a good 1 week in the woods singing gospel songs that appealing either, but if your mom says so, you can never bring yourself to say a no.

The first two days were so-so, you talk to the other kids there and have been particularly hooked with this kid name Jake, he is two years older than you and he got to have the purest soul, you have seen him from time to time during church service but you never really talk to him, now you wonder why you didn't do that.

"16 year old me thought that youth fellowship camp was going to be an absolute hellish  nightmare you know? But you made that 'hellish' week a little bearable."

"Hey y/n got quite a bedhead there" Jake says jokingly,"You are one to speak Sim, you hair is in all the direction I can probably think of" He chuckled at your words,"Now what are you doing here this late" "I can't sleep for some reason." "Same here."

"That heartfelt conversation we both had outside of our tents on a breezy summer night at 1 am was something I would never forgot, I like the way how passionate you are about the subject you are planning to major in college, you motivate me to find my own interest, that is rare."

"Give me that will you" Jake eyed at your marshmallows, you shoot him a weird look but still hand it to him nonetheless,"I'm afraid you might burn them." He chuckled while roasting them near the bonfire.

"Such a simple act yet I'm all over the place with that one bit of affection you showed me, you were such a gentleman to me during that week, when the youth fellowship camping that I dread so much comes to an end, I can't help but feel a little lonely without your company."

"Y/n, hey long time no see," Jake says to you after he jogged to your dad's car,"It's been a week, Jake." You said while holding back your excitement,"But still, it feels rather lonely without you." "The feeling is mutual Jake" you smiled at him,"Are you free tomorrow?" "Yea, why?" "I was thinking if we could spend it together, I mean I would like to get to know you more, that one week wasn't enough" His words are followed with his laughter which sounds oh so heavenly.

"I might not show it but you started a flame in my heart when you approached me that day after the Sunday service, and the day after that was better, You were so skeptical about going to almost every of the rides, it's quite a funny scene actually, seeing a whole ass 18 year old almost shitting his pants riding a roller coaster."

"I can't do this oh my god, oh my god" "Jake we already paid for this and this thing will start in what 1 sec-" before you could finish your sentence, the machine shoots you and Jake upwards, you were having the time of your life, hands up in the air as you screamed in joy, but Jake..not so much, he clutch on your arm for dear life, with his eyes closed, screaming at the top of his lungs, is this really the dude who singlehandedly chased a snake away?

"The memory of that day is still vivid in my head, and we went to a haunted house next, I was sure you were about to faint that day."

"What the fuck was that." Jake said, the poor guy looks terrified,"Just stay behind me, you'll be fine" just as you said that, a hand grips Jake's ankle,"FUCK NO I'M OUT OF HERE" He screamed and grasped your hands in his, running for his dear life in some shady haunted house in a local carnival, despite your chaotic surroundings, the scene felt rather romantic, your hands in his, running like you'll die if you don't, in all honesty, you don't feel like letting go of his hands any soon.

"That rather chaotic day we had was one of the happiest I'll ever be, I can't thank you enough for that, even tho you quite literally sacrifice your pride that day, our time together was short, with you majoring in medical and me being busy with school works, we talked less and less, and ended up not talking at all, quite disappointing but what can we expect? This was bound to happen, but thank you, Jake for the best, I dare say, summer break I've had in forever.
- Y/n."

Jake breath's hitched as he reads the letter, you do pass his mind quite often, his fingers often ghost upon your contact number, wondering if it'd be appropriate for him to ask you out, now that he got this letter, he took it as a green light and pressed that call button.

"This is Jake."

To All The Boys I've Loved Before حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن