Jay Park

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"Ah Yes, Jay, you really are the one who brings my light and joy to my rather dull and boring part time job, when I saw you for the first time, I was far too intimidated by you to approach you even tho that's quite literally my job."

"I'm sorry, I can't join you today, I just take up a part time job at the mall, my first shift starts today..man I wish I could join you." You said to your friend,"We can do nothing about that, can we? Don't worry I'll ask the rest, have fun on your first shift" she said while smiling to you, after you bid each other your fair share of farewells, you walk to your new job, you have been running rather short on change lately, you don't want to bother your parents by asking them for allowance so you decided to pull your big girl pants up and start looking for a part time job.

God bless the other staff for telling you how everything works, the shop is a rather trendy one, the one where cool edgy kids shop, man you still can't believe you're actually working here, while you are trying out the barcode scanner, the door lets out a little "ding" signaling that someone has entered the shop.

"Hello welcome to-" wow.

"You were dripped out dare I say, head to toe in designer with that smug face, one look at you and anyone would know that you got a nice taste, 16 year old me was starstrucked, you dressed like the guys I see in tumblr and Pinterest, man my legs were jelly when I walked to your direction, I can't believe you made me that nervous."

"Can I help you find anything?" You asked the pretty stranger, thank god you didn't shutter,"Nah I'm good, just looking around." He said, you give him your best customer service smile and went back to the cashier seat, he look a little familiar don't you think?

"The day I saw you at school was the day I started to question my eyesight, how can one with such good looks get overlooked in a crowd, you sure do have your way of keeping yourself lowkey don't you, Park?"

Jay's visit to the store has almost become regular, he's your favourite customer and you are his favourite employee there,"Hey Jay welcome back" you smiled at him,"Hey Y/n do you have the jacket I asked for last week?" He said while shooting you his signature smile,"Yup it arrived this morning let me get it for you."

Your chit chats with Jay usually happens during your shift, but you guys occasionally talk in school too, despite his intimidating looks and style, he really is a softie isn't he?

"And like that, you make me eagerly wait for your little visits to the shop, making me look up to seeing you and your smile, I can remember the smell of your cologne rather faintly, I've always wanted to ask what such cologne you use to make your fragrance tattooed in my head."

"Hey Y/n," Jay said to you walking in the shop, it was summer break, meaning that you will soon join junior year of high school and Jay will soon start his first year of college,"I'm actually here to tell you something" "Oh what could that be Mr.Park" you asked him jokingly,"I got accepted to ESMOD" "WHAT YOU'RE NUTS ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"I can't put my excitement for you into words, really, the smile on your face was so worth all the nights you stay up, that very smile which sends goosebumps all over my body, I really enjoyed my time with you, you know? Our little talks and your silly jokes, but still,like many other people, we lost touch of each other and part ways, my junior year here has been going amazing, thank you, Jay for being a good friend, I surely do miss you here, I wonder what you're up to there
Your dearest, Y/n."

Jay just got back from his class and got inside his little studio apartment, he sees a letter on top of his rug,"The fuck?" He mumbled, he opened the envelope and reads the letter, he was shocked, speechless even, you sure do pass his mind every once in a while, he can't put his fingers on what he is feeling as of this moment, regret? Nostalgia? No, no not that, man, he really miss your company now that he reads your letter, but what strikes curiosity in him is the fact that the letter is written by you back in your junior year, so what on earth is this letter doing this here, but still, he look at the letter and smiled, "I miss you too Y/n".

To All The Boys I've Loved Before حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن