Ch 2

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~𝔐𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔧𝔱 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔰𝔫'𝔱 𝔞 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪, 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔪𝔶 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢~


3rd Person's POV

  Green flames the same shade as her eyes and the killing curse appeared before her. Black smoke mixed in with the flames formed a mini tornado inside the house. Its speed began to speed up and began to shrink. Everything suddenly went quiet but a second later, after it had thinned greatly, the green and black exploded outwards.

After all the flames and smoke disappeared, in its place stood a figure clad completely in black. Pale hands of bones peeked from underneath the hood and eyeless sockets stared at the girl in silence.

A second passed, and then another of the two being just staring at each other. Finally having enough of the staring contest, Adira huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Really? Again with the skeleton form? I already told you when we first met, it's not scary. Plus, I like your real form much better...not to mention much more pleasing to the eyes" she said to the entity before her, mumbling the last parts to herself. Nonetheless, the entity still heard and gave the skeleton impression of a grin. Though how it did that was completely out of Adira's knowledge.

Once more, green flames and black smoke circled Death's form as it's body slowly began to transform. Hands made of bones gained muscles that then grew skin over it. Empty eye sockets burned with green flames only for it to be extinguished a second later, the flame now replaced with eyes the same shade as Adira's own. The shade of the killing curse.

Its face began to fill in with flesh and the head grew white long hair. It's color not unlike that of a freshly fallen snow. And soon enough, there stood in front of the newly turned 7-year-old girl was Death in all his handshake glory.

'Like seriously, he's hot!' The reincarnated girl cannot help but think. Looking at him now, Adira couldn't help the spike of greed that sparked inside her. Not that she was going to stop it if she could.

'I want him'

Death, after hearing the thought of the girl smirked in amusement.

"Surely you know that you are nothing more than a 7-year-old kid right now. That thought process is inappropriate for your age little one..."

Instead of being embarrassed, Adira returned his smirk with one of her own and sauntered towards the entity.

"Ah~ But you were the one who embraced me first. You should have known the moment you touched my soul and gave me this opportunity that I will never let you go."

Adira murmured a spell under her breath and not a second later, her body began to shimmer in a soft green glow. Death watched as the little girl before him grew and became a beautiful young woman that reached just below his chin.

After the glow subsided, Adira wrapped her arms around the being before her and leaned in further, their lips merely an inch away from each other.

"You were the one to first lay claim to me by giving me this power that many have sought and yet none have gotten. You should take responsibility~" She ended her speech with a mock pout on her cherry-red lips.

Death let out a surprised chuckle before a fond smile found it's way to his own lips. "But of course Mistress"

The entity leaned in further to kiss the lips of the woman before her, when said woman stopped it by putting her hands between them. His lips only kissing her palm as Adira grinned teasingly at him.

"My, how inappropriate of you! Attempting to kiss an underage child like that, how preposterous!" With that being said, her body began to once again shimmer with a green glow and shrink into it's original form.

Turning around, the girl sent a smirk over her shoulders to him before walking up the stairs of the house. Her mind now set into redecorating the master's bedroom into her own room and kicking out the Dursley couple out of it. The two of them will now be sharing Dudley's second bedroom while she claims the best room in the house for herself. Let them suffer inside that cramped space. At least it's better than the cupboard under the stairs. They should thank her for her mercy.

If she was going to have to endure the next four years inside this hideous house and surrounded by dumb muggles, then she would make the best of it. She can't wait for all the action and fun to start. But right now, she needs to lay low and observe the working of the wizarding world in the shadows. After all, walking into the enemy's territory without a plan and some information is just plain suicide, not to mention stupid. So for now, she would wait.

Meanwhile, the left behind Death could only look on in bemusement as his little Mistress walked away from him after teasing him like that. Shaking his head in fond exasperation, the entity couldn't help but think that the coming years would be something to look forward to. It had been sometime since he'd had such good entertainment and with his Mistress by his side, he just knew that there will never again be a dull moment.


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