Chapter 9~ Results and breaking the law

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Eventually, the time of the election had begun. Luna and Ranboo made their way to the seats in front of the stage. They sat next to each other and began to just talk until Wilbur and Tommy took the stage.

"CITIZENS OF L'MANBURG, I have gathered you all here today to share the election results. After many recounts, and after adding in the deal to share votes between parties..." Wilbur said, sighing. Luna felt her body tense up. She knew what was coming. She felt Ranboo wrap his arm around her. She looked up to him and he saw the panic in her eyes.

"The winner of the election is Schlatt2020..." he managed to say, and Schlatt strutted up on stage. He shoved Wilbur out of the way and took the stand.

"Ahhh, what a glorious day this is for me. Now, for a first decree..." he said, and looked out over the crowd. Tommy and Wilbur had begun walking down the stairs to meet with Ranboo and Luna.

"I shall REVOKE, the citizenship of Wilbur Soot, and Tommy Innit!" Schlatt screamed, and Luna felt all the air leave her lungs. It felt like the entire world was closing in on itself, and Luna felt her chest tighten. She looked up to Ranboo who looked to be very worried. He began rubbing circles on her hands and looked her in the eyes, which Luna had learned made him uncomfortable.

"Breathe for me Luna, breathe in..." he said, and she tried breathing in. It was shaky, but she was doing it.

"And out..." he said, and she breathed out. They kept this cycle going for a bit and then Luna realized they weren't at the stage anymore.

"Ranboo, where are we?" she whispered, still trying to get used to her new surroundings.

"We are at your house, I saw you were having a panic attack so I brought you back here once all the chaos started." he said, still rubbing circles on her hands.

"Chaos? What happened after Schlatt got on stage?" she said, now getting back to normal.

"Well, after he took the stage, he revoked Tommy and Wilbur's citizenship. Then he declared Tubbo to be his right hand man, and escorted them out. Then his new military force began chasing Tommy and Wilbur down. I don't know where they went, but the last thing Schlatt said was that L'manburg is now Manburg." he said, and Luna became saddened.

"So, no more game nights, huh?" she said, and began to cry. Ranboo held her close, but she put her wing in front of her eyes so her tears didn't hurt him. They stayed like this for a few moments before Luna had an idea. She sniffled a bit before backing off Ranboo.

"We should go and try and find them, I'm sure they could use some supplies." Luna said, and Ranboo just stared at her.

"Won't we get in trouble for helping them? I mean, Manburg citizens are banned from helping them."

"I am no Manburg citizen, so I can do whatever I want, and I want to help them. Don't worry, if they try and say anything to you I will take the blame for it." she said.

"Don't worry about taking the blame for me, and yes I will help you." he said, and Luna just smiled at him. She ran downstairs to her storage area and began packing some food, along with some diamonds, tools, and armor. She packed it all up and ran back to Ranboo who had a map.

"Ready to go?" he asked, and Luna just nodded.

"Do you have an idea of where they could have went?" she asked.

"I know the direction they ran, but no more than that." the two left her house, and began venturing through the forest. After a few hours, they saw some dirt strangely piled on the side of the hill.

"That has to be it!" Luna said, and started pushing the dirt away. Once she began to see inside, she was pushed back and felt a sword being pushed against her throat. Ranboo ran over to help her, and shoved whoever was on top of her off.

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